5 ways to avoid falling victim to disinformation

п»ї<title>5 ways to avoid falling victim to disinformation</title>
We find ourselves in an era in which people do everything they can to be "distracted", to be continuously busy doing something... It is paradoxical, because if we look back, it is difficult to find another era in which we have been so distracted from reality as we are now. The point is that this state of living on the moon has consequences, such as living as victims of disinformation.
Worst of all, we have never received as much information as we do now. We are plagued with information. From here, there and beyond we receive information at every moment. The problem is that a large amount of this information is false, or at least distorted. We are, massively, victims of disinformation.
"Freedom of speech carries with it a certain freedom to listen."
-Bob Marley
The consequences of this are very serious, especially in the realm of politics. No matter how much we are not interested in the subject, we are constantly bombarded with false information about leaders, mainly at times of elections or big decisions. And this is how many end up becoming sympathizers or choose indifference as a strategy. So, what can we do to avoid becoming victims of disinformation?
1. Filter topicsIt is essential to make an exercise of conscience to determine what is really good for you to know. Note: you may be INTERESTED in knowing about baseball, for example, but leave that aside for the moment. The idea is that you define what you NEED to know, not so much what catches your attention.
What you need to know is everything that has a direct bearing on your life. What affects you directly. If you don't want to be a victim of misinformation, prioritize these topics. Otherwise, you will easily end up wasting your time with irrelevant information, even though it may be eye-catching.
2. Filter sourcesThis is one of the most important mechanisms to avoid being a victim of disinformation. Nowadays it has become very important who says things, before what is said. Anyone can say nonsense and make it viral, or spread falsehoods that, because they are massive, end up being taken as true.
Choose sufficiently recognized and serious sources. It is not that you have to go for the big media (which also misinform), but for sites, publications and people who have an established reputation. It doesn't mean that these sources are infallible, but they are certainly more responsible with what they say. This is the best way to avoid being misled.
3. Read books to avoid being victims of disinformationBooks almost always present much more refined and reliable information. Making a book is much more difficult than circulating a rumor through social networks. It requires much more work and, in addition, when it is published by a prestigious publishing house, it requires careful selection.
Books are an excellent source of information, especially on those topics where you see that there are too many conflicting opinions. Of course, books by educated people, with consolidated professional careers or literary recognition, are better. Books provide more than just information: they help to form a criterion.
4. Exercise your critical capacityCriticism does not consist of looking at the negative aspects of something or someone. Rather, it refers to the ability to evaluate, in this case, information. To develop this capacity there is nothing more reasonable than to train and exercise it. And the best way to start doing it is not to swallow whole everything you hear out there.
Think, for example, if whoever is giving you information may have an interest in making you see the world in a certain way. Evaluate how much they want to impress you with what they tell you: do they appeal to your reason or do they make a bid to shock you? Do they give you serious arguments or do they simply rely on weak and isolated evidence? Skepticism helps you develop your critical capacity.
5. Cultivate your conscienceMany of life's problems stem from a lack of conscience, but there is also a certain tendency to not want to know. We stop asking ourselves why our words and actions and those of others. We want, many times, to live distracted, to think or to do only what is passing, what does not involve any reflection.
This is as harmful as its opposite. We cannot live worrying about everything and making conscious even the smallest action or word. What we can do is to seek a balance. Cultivate our awareness of what really matters and reduce the importance of what does not.
If we become victims of disinformation, we will lose both our freedom and the possibility of having a lucid and self-determined conscience. Therefore, we must take care of what enters our mind. Filter it, decant it, weigh it. In this way, we will be more awake and free to decide.
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п»ї<title>Consequences of work overload</title>
Work overload is very present in people's lives; dedicating a large part of our time to work has become routine for many. So much so that it is possible to accumulate very long working days, which in turn means that we get up early and arrive home very late, spending most of our day at the workplace.
In this sense, can overwork have a negative impact on our lives? Let's think, if I spend too much time at work, in all likelihood I will not be able to devote the same amount of time to other areas of my life.
Therefore, work overload may mean that we spend less time on our personal life; on our family and friends, among others. In these lines we talk about possible negative effects of work overload.
Work overload reduces quality of lifeAna Alcayaga, director of Risk Prevention and Environmental Engineering at USS, states that work overload is a risk that reduces quality of life and productivity.
This statement is supported by the latest figures provided by the National System of Information on Safety and Health at Work (Sisesat). This study also highlights the physical and psychological risks derived from long and excessive working hours.
In short, work overload can trigger risks to our health, diminishing our quality of life. Spending the majority of our working hours during the week means that our physical and psychological well-being is threatened, even if we really enjoy what we do. In turn, productivity decreases as the hours go by. "If I spend too much time at work, my mind becomes saturated and I perform less well."
"Wellness and health are a must, otherwise we would not be able to keep our mind strong and clear."
AnxietyA strenuous workday is a risk factor for anxiety. That is, stress derived from work overload generates an excessive secretion of certain hormones, such as cortisol (known as the stress hormone). The stress hormone prepares us to face certain situations and in small doses should not be harmful.
However, secreting cortisol in excess, derived from stress and constant worry, the result of an overload maintained over time, could cause us a distressing feeling of discomfort. It would manifest itself as a feeling of pressure in the chest, stomach pain and tachycardia.
InsomniaIt is not uncommon for those who work excessively to begin to have difficulties sleeping, which sometimes turn into chronic insomnia. Their workload is so heavy that their mind is unable to switch off at bedtime, taking their problems and worries with them to their rest time. This means that sleep is not restful and the next day you are even more exhausted, both mentally and physically.
Deterioration of social relationshipsWork overload causes us to spend less time with friends and family, we hardly see our partner, friends, siblings, children or parents. In a sense, we become the eternal absentees: others no longer expect us to be there.
"We are surrounded by gadgets designed to save work, yet we have very little genuine leisure."
-Laurence J. Peter
Burnout syndromeBurnout syndrome has recently been officially recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is considered a disorder that affects at an emotional and psychological level an important part of workers who live in a continuous state of stress and anxiety.
It should be noted that more and more professionals from different work sectors are suffering from this syndrome. According to data obtained in a recent study by Medscape, 37 percent of Spanish doctors have stated that they suffer from burnout, being one of the areas where there is a high percentage of people affected by burnout, although not the only one, as the number of professions suffering from it is increasing every day.
In conclusion, let us remember that, if we do not limit our time and working conditions, in the long term our quality of life may be impaired. It is therefore important to raise awareness of the effects of work overload and to try to prevent it. It is also important to be aware that taking care of our mental and physical health is fundamental for everyone.
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If you clip my wings, I'll use the broom, but I'm going to fly.
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п»ї<title>If you clip my wings, I'll use the broom, but I'm going to fly.</title>
There are situations where people feel they want to develop other talents or devote their time to different activities. Thus, when they say "I am going to fly" or "I need a change", in addition to their own resistances they may encounter those of the people around them.
This may be the partner, although many of these cases also occur in the environment of the family of origin. Every process of personal development and change has its own difficulties. The one we are talking about today is one of the most common.
Life is not static. Things change, people evolve and they do not always evolve together or at the same pace or in the same direction. That is why it is important to understand why people close to us do not always support those variations that we may introduce in our personal development. In fact, they can be an important part of the obstacles to overcome.
Why does this happen? First of all, we must take into account that any process of change or personal development does not affect only the person who carries it out, unless he or she lives alone and isolated. We are always part of someone else's world and in many cases a very significant part. When we change, when we decide "I am going to fly", we may also be influencing the lives of those around us. These people may feel that they will have to make some adjustments in their own lives, adjustments that may come at a cost they are reluctant to pay.
A process of change, especially when it is profound, is always a little scary. But when it is necessary, the desire to improve overcomes that uncomfortable part of stepping out of our comfort zone. It is convenient to anticipate what someone may feel when our measurements do not favor him or her. Thus, any process of personal improvement and development makes a natural selection of the relationships that are maintained with others.
These are moments in which the motivation of each person to be close to you becomes more evident. Although not necessarily: be careful with interpretations, they are still our own assumptions based on partial information.
The situations that can lead to this "I'm going to fly" are very diverse, as are the resistances we may encounter. From going to the gym earlier and bothering the person who has to open it - she was used to being five minutes late - to bothering our partner because we have signed up for a course and now we arrive home later and it is the other one's turn to prepare dinner.
The process of changeChange is a complex process in which one encounters personal obstacles. There are several elements that come into play when someone decides to change some aspect of his or her life. Self-knowledge is an important part. One analyzes one's qualities and also one's weaknesses. These are moments of self-reflection.
The processes of change and personal development usually appear due to more or less serious crises that put people in the situation of finding a better purpose in life. A "I am going to fly" is often an encounter with one's own limiting beliefs. It forces the person making the change to face many of his or her fears. This puts the people close to them in a situation of uncertainty, of not knowing how far they will be affected by this change.
Faced with "I'm going to fly" I already have my own fearsIn these cases we can also encounter projections of the fears of people close to us. A partner may be afraid that something might happen to you when you return home so late. We would be talking about a fear that is related to you. The same, for example, that parents may experience when their child tells them that he or she is going to change careers. On the other hand, many people also mistakenly believe that they cannot change, and by extension think that others cannot change either.
If you are in that moment when you are in a hurry to change your life, if you believe you can improve some aspect of yourself or your life, focus on that. People close to you may or may not be able to support you. This is one of the obstacles in every "I'm going to fly" resolution. If those people are called to be part of your new life, they will continue to be by your side; if not, they will be part of the change.
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п»ї<title>The Monster Experiment</title>
An orphanage, children, stuttering, late 30's... An experiment that has marked the history of psychology.
The "Monster Experiment" is the name given to this unethical experiment by some students in Iowa. This raises a very important question: Is anything goes for science?
"The Monster Study" was conducted by pathologist Wendell Johnson in Iowa (USA) between January and May 1939 and supervised by one of his best graduate students Mary Tudor. Although Johnson was a speech pathologist he had no psychological training and his experiment was totally unethical and offered no interesting results.
What Johnson wanted was to know the real causes behind stuttering; he was convinced that stuttering was due to a learned behavior resulting from the anxiety experienced by some children when they began to learn to speak.
What did the experiment consist of?
The monster experiment was conducted with 22 orphaned children from the Davenport (Iowa's capital) orphanage between the ages of 5 and 15. Half had some speech difficulty and half did not. The children were divided into 2 groups:
*One group of children were continually congratulated on their speech progress. These were actually the children who stuttered.
*The other group of children were only reminded of all the mistakes they were making and that if they continued in this way it would lead them to develop stuttering. They were the children who did not have any problems in language learning.
What were the results of the "Monster Study"?
The only thing that this experiment achieved was that the children developed personality disorders, anxiety and withdrawn speech and not the stuttering that Johnson intended.
What were the repercussions of the Monster Study?
Johnson concealed his experiment due to the fear that overwhelmed him when he thought that his experiment could be compared to the experiments with humans that the Nazis did in the concentration camps. In fact, the results were not published, and the dissertation of the student Mary Tudor, who decided to publicly desert at the end of the experiment, is the only testimony that remained hidden in a drawer.
This secret was kept for decades and in fact Professor Johnson developed a successful career as one of the most relevant and reputable researchers in the field of speech. He died in 1965 at the age of 59.
It was not until 2001 that the University of Iowa publicly apologized; in 2003 the New York Times published "The Monster Doctor's Study of Stuttering" Mary Tudor's notes and paid a million dollar settlement to six elderly octogenarians, the only ones still alive in 2007, who had participated in this experiment when they were just children.
Incredible, isn't it?
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Why do we like different types of music?
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п»ї<title>Why do we like different types of music?</title>
Music is culture, it is pleasure, it is a language capable of developing in people different moods, it is a kind of code that enraptures our senses. But, why do we tend to choose different types of music? In this article we will try to answer this question.
The musical genre breaks any cultural, economic, social and geographical barrier, always responding to a subjective and, above all, emotional inclination.
Thus, since ancient Greece, for example, the human being felt a special inclination for harmonic music. Today, however, musical culture has advanced in a prodigious and marvelous way. We have at our disposal so many styles that preferences have changed quite a lot since the times of Aristotle and Plato. Let's see more facts about it.
"Music expresses everything that cannot be said with words and cannot remain in silence."
-Victor Hugo
Why do we like different types of music? Many researchers have studied, over the years, what determines musical tastes. Studies such as the one carried out by Professor Josh McDermott of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) show that these preferences are related to our daily exposure to certain musical stimuli.
The music industry and advertising, make up those variables that would explain in many cases why we are inclined towards certain styles and not others. There is therefore no biological explanation, it is a social construct.
There are stereotypes that relate certain personality characteristics to certain musical styles. For example, reggae is linked to people with high self-esteem, creative, relaxed and extroverted and relaxed. Classical music, on the other hand, is related to high self-esteem, creative and introverted personalities. Pop music, with high self-esteem, hard-working, docile and extroverted personalities.
However, daily experience tells us that these parameters are not met in all cases. Therefore, musical tastes depend on our exposure to the media and the emotional experiences that a type of music gives us at a given time.
"One advantage that music has over poetry is that while the poet spends hours and days in turning the material of language into magic, in music the material is already magic."
-Jorge Luis Borges
The types of music and the state of mindWe pointed out a moment ago: the state of mind is directly related to our musical tastes. Moreover, studies such as the one published in Frontiers magazine show that human beings love, on average, sad music.
This style has a cathartic power. It connects us with our most complex emotions to drain them, to remember past events, to evoke certain sensations, etc. However, far from intensifying sadness even more, sad music generates the opposite: calm, well-being and happiness.
Music, besides being an art, is a sensation, which generates, in approximately 4 minutes of composed sounds, important psychological and even physical benefits.
Thanks to the different types of pulsations it emits, to its sound frequencies, and to the endorphins it allows us to produce, it improves the heart rate and induces an adequate calm in the central nervous system.
For example, on stressful and emotionally charged days, it is recommended to listen to instrumental or relaxing music, as it helps lower the heart rate, normalizing tension and putting the mind at ease.
On the other hand, a good dose of rock music can provide enough energy when the mood is bordering on apathy, as it increases the heart rate thanks to the percussion and the speed of the rhythms.
Music is a giftIn short, music should always be present in the life of every human being, since even nature itself is full of its own melodies for our delight and to strengthen our spirit, mind and body, no matter how different they are.
"Music is like rain, when you listen to it, your heart feels that passion and feelings of greatness that cannot be explained with words, you will only know it by feeling it."
-Marta Iris Rodriguez
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True productivity lies in feeling good here and now.
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п»ї<title>True productivity lies in feeling good here and now.</title>
True productivity is not always in achieving a large number of daily goals. Not if in each work achievement we lose our quality of life, health, emotional satisfaction and psychological balance.
We are a society that has always been led to believe that "the more you do, the more you are worth, the more you produce, the more status you acquire". Perhaps it is time to reformulate this idea.
If we look up the word productivity in a dictionary, we can find definitions such as 'the amount of production that a person can generate in a given amount of time and using a given level of effort or energy'. This idea is easy to understand, but in real life, few words cause us so much headaches and anxiety.
You can get up at the crack of dawn to complete your workday and go to bed in the wee hours of the morning after completing hundreds of tasks. Yet, even so, you may still feel that the day was not productive at all. Often, not accomplishing what we had set out to do mentally causes us to suffer.
Productivity is not about mathematics, it is not about making 100 sales, getting 5 new customers or packing 200 boxes per hour. In reality, this term belongs more to the realm of emotions and subjectivity. You are really productive when you feel good about what you achieve every day, whether it is a lot or a little.
True productivity comes with personal satisfactionIn Lewis Carroll's Alice Through the Looking Glass, we find a very metaphorical passage. It is the one in which the inhabitants of the Red Queen's country are forced to run very fast just to stay at the same point. Thus, those who wished to advance in order to reach a particular place had to run faster than the others.
This image established what is known as the Red Queen hypothesis, which allows us to understand that in order to survive in a given scenario, we must invest more resources and energy than the rest in order to be efficient and thus guarantee our success or progress.
Something similar happens in the area of productivity. It is not enough to do the same as those around us, we must produce more, faster and with higher quality. This is the only way to position a company in the market and this is the only way for workers to prove their worth. Therefore, it is not enough to be busy, we have to be "very busy" to give an image of absolute efficiency.
We internalized this idea very early on and it led us to believe that the more hours we put into that job, that occupation, objective or task, the more valuable we were and the better image we had of ourselves. However, sooner or later we discovered it: being always busy does not bring happiness, but rather inoculates us with dissatisfaction and suffering in many cases.
True productivity is not in how many things you do but in how you feelAuthentic productivity for a writer is not measured in the number of pages written in a day. Rather, it is how satisfied you feel with what you have written, whether it is 20 pages or 5.
Nor should companies measure their productivity in the number of hours worked. Sometimes, it is not necessary to spend 10 hours in an office to achieve objectives; sometimes, half is enough.
Work psychology knows that for human capital to be productive, it must feel satisfied. Motivation, a good working environment, companionship, satisfaction and appreciation of the employee get the best out of the person and significantly improve the final productivity.
Emotions are those psychic tendons that drive not only a job well done but also the desire to surpass ourselves, to reach higher goals.
Sometimes, doing nothing is also being productiveSometimes, there come moments in our lives when we are forced to stop, to slow down. However, we are so used to filling our time with tasks, goals to achieve and schedules to meet, that putting our life on pause is a challenge and even a problem.
It is because we have been led to believe that being busy is synonymous with productivity. We have been convinced that time is money and that we must make the most of it by doing things (whatever they are) for at least 25 hours a day. Suddenly, when our reality enters a state of calm, when nothing else is asked of us but to be and to be, there is something that seems to be wrong with us. We are not being productive!
And yet, we can be. Because sometimes, doing nothing is the best thing you can give yourself. Resting, leading a more leisurely, curious, contemplative and calm-colored life is therapeutic.
Giving ourselves what we deserve when we need it, even if we find it hard to believe, is the real productivity at certain times. All of this can have an impact on our physical and mental well-being. Let's keep this in mind.
"Happiness is not in another place but in this place. Not in another hour but in this hour. Neither I nor anyone else can walk that road for you."
-Walt Whitman
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п»ї<title>What stimulates curiosity in children?</title>
Maybe your children are in that stage in which they ask questions about everything they see and hear, over and over again, as if they were little broken records. We have all gone through that period in which we ask without filter all those questions that come to mind, thinking that those elders, infallible and perfect, have all the answers. So, we want to ask ourselves, what is it that stimulates curiosity in children?
On the other hand, if your little ones do not ask questions, do not show interest in knowledge and are not curious about what surrounds them, it would not hurt to stimulate that impulse to find answers. Because looking for them will be the beginning of finding them and asking new questions that will make them grow.
Curiosity in children and its role in learningIt can get a little tiring when a child asks questions all the time. Sometimes, fed up, we answer them any nonsense to shut them up. However, knowing how important it is for them and for their optimal development, it is important to take care of what we answer to the little ones whenever they are curious.
Understanding the world around the child is vital for the infant. To understand it, the child needs to be curious, ask questions and learn. That is why, as adults, we must satisfy this 'hunger' for knowledge. Being aware of the child's need to know, in addition to his learning capacity, which is very high at an early age, we will know that we cannot be passive or indifferent to his questions.
The little one wants to know his world, to try everything within his reach and to understand the mechanism that shapes its functioning. That's why he explores, touches, sucks and investigates anything that falls into his hands, from a toy to a set of keys, for example.
The world is full of treasures for childrenPractically any object can become a treasure, a discovery for the child. If he looks inside a cupboard, he is likely to find something new, some phenomenon that will surprise him. If he goes out into the street, smells, noises, sounds and movements... Everything is a constant adventure in his innocent brain.
As adults, it is up to us to encourage this curiosity in children, this attitude of learning that we will reinforce and that we will favor for their correct development.
In short, curiosity is a driving force that helps children to satisfy their need to investigate, experiment and learn. That is why it is so important to motivate them in this sense, to awaken their excitement for acquiring new knowledge day by day.
"Humor and curiosity are the purest form of intelligence."
-Roberto BolaГ±o
How to stimulate curiosity in children? Here are some possibilities and actions that will activate children's curiosity and will help them to enjoy learning. They are very simple and productive.
Stimulate their imaginationThe little ones have a very fertile imagination. For that reason, we must continue stimulating them in that sense. Let's not think only of fantasies and imaginary worlds, it is also a useful tool to solve problems and find new ways to reach conclusions, hypothesize, etc.
Answering their questionsSometimes it can be tiring, even exhausting. However, by participating in the dialogues they propose, we have the great opportunity to educate them in certain values, to teach them certain phenomena, before, for example, interested advertising campaigns or other partisan interests do it.
It is also interesting to provide the necessary tools to develop experimentation scenarios. Manipulable objects, mechanical and detachable toys, puzzles... All are tools that allow the child to experiment.
Encourage to createSimulated play can help us to create or motivate some situations that hardly occur in reality. Our child will hardly be a real baker by the age of four, but he can understand how the trade works by taking on this role. The great advantage is that children usually love these simulation games.
Encourage reading and pose challengesBooks undoubtedly offer infinite worlds for children to learn, imagine, have fun and, above all, obtain valuable information and answer their curiosity. It is also a good idea to set them challenges adapted to their age: trying to solve them will train them to face bigger challenges.
Now that you know how to encourage curiosity in children, don't get tired of doing it. The little ones are real sponges with a great desire to know. It is our job to teach them as much as we can.
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п»ї<title>Love is a secret that the eyes do not know how to keep</title>
I've liked you since the day I saw you enter the door of that bar and I knew I wanted to kiss you, without even touching you; but I never dared to tell you for fear of your reaction, in case you didn't reciprocate. Although my eyes gave me away.
And every time I saw you I felt something for you, a mixture of love, of passion, of desire to kiss you and hug you. But I hid it and now I regret it, because I had nothing to lose. I did not realize that my eyes did not know how to keep my secret.
It is my gaze, the light it gives off, the joy it spills when I look at you, the beauty I see in your heart, the question mark it draws in the air when I don't know if you reciprocate, it is it, my gaze, that betrays me and gives me away to you.
When you love a person...
When you like someone your heart races, your senses are heightened, you laugh and cry for no apparent reason, you feel like doing crazy things, kissing, making love. But love is something else, it is something more, it is the depth of a feeling of complicity with another person, of wanting to share the good and the bad.
Love is not only saying "I love you", it is gestures, it is looks, it is sensations, it is many things that we can hardly hide... Love is experienced in the deepest part of us.
"Words are full of falsehood or art; the look is the language of the heart."
-William Shakesperare
Our hidden thoughtsEach of us, we have four areas that differ depending on how we share information. These areas have been illustrated through the Johari Window, which is a cognitive psychology tool created by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham to illustrate the processes of human interaction. The four areas are as follows:
Open: this is the area that includes what I know about myself and others know about me.
Blind: what others see in me but I do not see.
Hidden: what I know about myself but others ignore.
Unknown: what I do not know about myself and others do not know about me.
The information may change from one area to another, depending on the trust we have with certain people. When we feel something for another person, for example, we may try to hide what we feel, but if others know us well, they will know or sense what is going on. Our eyes will give us away.
The effects of a glanceA glance is a world, a way of communicating, an ocean of feelings, words, that are hidden or that come to light, it is one more way of transmitting who we are. A look has many different effects:
It can be flattering or intimidating: It is not the same to look briefly than to look intensely. If someone stares at us for a long time, it can be intimidating or frightening... it all depends on the bond and the way we relate to each other.
It expresses emotions: A look is a window to our feelings, something that we cannot control, that lets our emotions escape without us hardly realizing it... Looks are full of emotions.
Adds information to a conversation: A look is a fundamental element in a conversation along with words and gestures. If we are happy while we talk, our eyes will accompany our smile.
It informs about the relationship between people: A look tells us if there is intimacy between two people or if they are strangers. We do not look at a friend, our partner or a family member in the same way, each look is different.
It regulates a conversation: A glance indicates whose turn it is to speak and whose turn it is to listen. We look at the speaker to pay attention, to listen actively.
"I don't know your name, I only know the look with which you say it to me."
-Mario Benedetti
The secrets that the gaze does not know how to keep
Humans differ from animals by emotions, we do not choose our partner with logic but by intuition, by the emotions that this person provokes in us. One of the main tools to transmit emotions is the look. A look can say many things, it can be serious, happy, sad, angry, it can show love, tenderness, understanding.
We can consciously use our gaze when we want to transmit something by accompanying our words, but sometimes, our gaze betrays us and reveals all our secrets.
The light that transmits our way of looking when someone makes us fall in love, is unmistakable, we can hide gestures, we can hide words, we can stop doing many things, but the moment we open our eyes and look at the one we love, our love will escape through our pupils, it will betray our heart and its beating.
"There are two looks; the look of the body may sometimes forget, but the look of the soul always remembers."
-Alexandre Dumas
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In the midst of chaos, calm
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п»ї<title>In the midst of chaos, calm</title>
It is not easy to live in the midst of chaos. It's not easy to keep our balance when onslaughts come, when the wind swirls through our hair and whispers messages of uncertainty-flavored fear in our ears.
We are designed to anticipate, to respond emotionally and cognitively in haste when panic assaults us. However, the ideal in the midst of these scenarios is calm.
The word "fear" goes far beyond the discomfort of the moment. It contains all that kaleidoscope that integrates from the phantom of the most irrational behavior to those more integrative reactions. Those that assume the fear, but choose to face it through proactive behaviors to solve a problem.
The psychiatrist Karl Augustus Menninger pointed out that fears can be educated and that it is then that we take the strongest steps. It is easy to say, but to carry it out is possibly the most complex and traumatic act in the human being. Because when chaos knocks at the door and snatches our calm, the mind runs amok and what is even more dangerous, it spreads to others until fear becomes an enemy of extraordinary dimensions.
In these contexts, calmness must germinate. This dimension can also be trained because, after all, fear itself, anxiety and irrational behaviors are another dragon that we can learn to contain.
In the midst of chaos we must apply a mental approach based on calmThere are people who have sometimes been made ill (metaphorically) by the barrage of "bad news" transmitted through television, radio and social networks. Partly because it seems that disturbing data, worrying facts and negative messages overshadow the positive ones.
Moreover, on average, negative news is always shared before hopeful news. We do so without even applying the filter of prudence, sometimes without assessing whether these facts are true or not.
Well, it is true that we have the right to know that information is power and that we must be in touch with immediate reality. But there are times when circumstances and certain facts are interpreted as overwhelming and then, suddenly a feeling awakens in us: that of helplessness. Not knowing what might happen tomorrow is undoubtedly what frightens and limits us the most.
We are creatures accustomed to having control over our immediate reality (or at least to thinking that this is so). Suddenly experiencing that we are in the midst of chaos, that what we took for granted yesterday is now uncertain or no longer there, hurts and disturbs us.
What can we do in these circumstances?
Calm is an attitude and it comes when you accept that you cannot control everythingIn a context of uncertainty, anxiety increases. To this is added another factor: the environment, the information we receive, the people around us, infecting us with their emotions, their fears... Nothing increases anxiety as much as not knowing, as uncertainty itself.
An example: it is much worse not to know if we are going to lose our job than to have the certainty that we have already lost it. The brain acts differently. It is necessary, therefore, that we learn to tolerate uncertainty.
We must assume that, although we do not have control over certain things, we do have control over how we choose to react to them. That is the key.
Acting calmly is the best attitude. It is the mental approach by which we can respond in the most accurate, reasonable and adjusted way by giving the best of ourselves.
Clean the mind: eliminate catastrophic thoughtsIn the midst of chaos, catastrophic thoughts do not help but rather sink us. In the midst of difficulties, of a scenario of doubts or problems, the mind must be our ally and not that adversary that hinders us at every step.
Therefore, it is vital that we are able to "clean" from our daily approach the thoughts that hinder, feed fear and instead of helping us to find a solution, add one more problem.
Let us be aware of them and eliminate the negative internal dialogue. Calmness must be that lighthouse capable of guiding us in the darkness.
In the midst of chaos... who do you choose to be? Answering, in difficult times, the question of who we want to be can help us in the midst of chaos. The hero or the victim? Who helped or made the situation even worse? Someone to be proud of or a figure who chose immobility and panic?
You choose, you decide what wake and what imprint you are going to leave on those days when we are obliged to give the best of ourselves.
In crisis scenarios, calm is that companion capable of tracing more serene and successful paths. With it in hand, we see things with greater clarity to know how to react, be proactive and responsible.
It is time to activate it, it is time that in a present of changes and uncertainties, we act together with serenity, intelligence and aplomb.
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п»ї<title>Attention: a decisive mental faculty, according to several thinkers.</title>
Attention is an essential human faculty, not only for learning but also for life itself. Nowadays, everything seems to conspire to prevent us from being attentive. We receive many stimuli simultaneously and the effect of this is to keep our consciousness fragmented, so that focusing on something sometimes becomes a titanic task.
Almost every activity we do is constantly interrupted. If we stop to observe, we realize that we very rarely perform a complete sequence of actions, continuously. We start a task and it is only a moment before some alarm goes off on the phone or some noise appears that takes us out of focus. Distraction is on the table at all times.
"Love instructs gods and men, for no one learns without desiring to learn. Truth is sought not as truth, but as good. Attention is linked to desire. Not to will, but to desire. Or, more exactly, to consent.
-Simone Weil
The clearest example of the lack of attention is the cell phone, which we often check even though we have no reason to do so. But this nervous relationship with the cell phone is only the tip of the iceberg in the problems we have to fully attend to something. Today we are structurally programmed to be easily distracted. Much of the time our thinking and our feelings are erratic.
William James and attentionWilliam James was one of the pioneers of psychology and one of the researchers who most carefully studied the subject of attention. Contrary to what many of his contemporaries thought, James pointed out that an experience only becomes an experience as such if it is mediated by attention. When someone is not attentive to what he lives, it is as if he had not lived it.
He points out that what we call real is nothing more than what we pay attention to. If something counts for us, it is because we pay attention to it. Otherwise, it is as if it did not exist. Therefore, the reality we perceive is always a reality delimited by ourselves. We decide to focus on certain aspects and overlook others. In this sense, attention integrally defines our consciousness.
William JamesFor William James, what characterizes a genius is the ability to maintain sustained attention. He argues that anyone who is able to focus resolutely on a subject becomes someone with sufficient mastery to stand out above the average. Whether it is the product of willpower or spontaneous interest, the fact is that constantly following the thread of a subject leads to its deep knowledge and the birth of creation, invention or discovery.
Monetized attentionToday, people's attention is a commodity that generates money. We have long since ceased to be people, individuals or subjects, now we are all "users" of something. And users' attention is a factor that is capitalized. The like, the consultation to certain content or the audience is something that someone ends up charging. The market vies for our attention.
It is precisely the market that is the first source of stimulus bombardment. The whole digital economy has as one of its pillars the capture of people's attention. Unfortunately, we easily fall into that net. If anything disperses attention nowadays, it is the whole digital world, with its viral news, its social networks and all the frenetic communication that takes place in that environment.
The end result of all this is scattered consciousness. And dispersed consciousness is dispersed experience. We go through thousands of daily experiences and, in the end, none of them manages to become a full experience. We pass over everything without stopping on a specific element or aspect. Like looking and not seeing, or hearing without listening.
Attention, a goalIt is possible to cultivate and educate attention. It is not a matter of willpower, nor does it have to be induced by force. All Eastern philosophies speak of the importance of mindfulness and promote methods to develop it. The first of these is meditation.
Children, when they are discovering the world, are very attentive to their surroundings. They may spend a long time examining a toy or observing how someone behaves. Paying attention is an exercise in contemplation, which is accompanied by the capacity for surprise and interest in discovery.
In addition to meditation, the best way to develop mindfulness is to consciously reduce the number of stimuli. That is, to work to deactivate that tendency to accumulate information, friends, knowledge, etc. Less quantity and more quality. Less noise and more silence. Less small experiences and more full experiences.
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п»ї<title>You tell me that I have changed, when you have been the sculptor of my sadness.</title>
Sometimes we look back and try to remember how we used to be. It is not at all a question of reminiscing about our youth, our fifteen or twenty years, sometimes we evoke what our character was like in the past compared to the way we feel and react now. Are we perhaps more cautious? Has our smile lost some of that innocence? Do we react with more caution and less optimism?
There are people who make us change. Sometimes we live in relationships that, far from enriching us, do not only bring us sadness, shortcomings and even fears. And no, we are not talking only about affective relationships, or about men or women who deploy their skillful tricks as emotional manipulators. We are also talking about our family relationships, which can leave us wounded and take away part of our childhood, of our joys.
The human personality is not a palace of firm walls, we are all vulnerable to the experiences we have lived, to disappointments, to traumas, whether in childhood or in maturity. And of course, we can change, because something inside us is broken after that, and yet, we have to continue standing with those broken structures...
We are in fact sure that it has happened to you at some time. In the middle of a conversation, someone suddenly uses a somewhat annoying tone and rebukes you: "You are not like you used to be", "you are not as funny", "you don't have the same illusions or the same spark". What happened? It may even be that the person who asks you the question is the one responsible for this change.
Personal relationships that are not conducive to personal growth
There are many types of relationships that do not help us to move forward as emotionally strong, secure and happy people because we have someone who accompanies us in every step, in every experience. No matter if we are talking about our partners, family members or even friends, there are clearly harmful people who can change our way of approaching life. However, it is the emotional relationships that are the most emotionally costly, and the ones that can make us change the most.
Now, have you ever wondered how these changes in our character come about? Take note of the following aspects:
1. Changes in our emotional register
It is possible that before you were characterized as a person with great emotional openness, you were receptive, cheerful, optimistic... However, in an interaction where, far from being recognized, you encounter scorn, sanctions or criticism, your character changes.
You no longer externalize your emotions, but hide them, love is no longer full of illusion, but of anguish and uncertainty, and there is nothing worse than not knowing what to expect or seeing how the balance is unbalanced. We have invested thousands of dreams, joys and efforts, and now we only receive sadness.
Exploiting our cognitive bias
If you used to have a strong vision of yourself, where your self-esteem allowed you to see the world with a broad outlook and to fit into each of those perspectives, now your vision has been completely skewed. The mirror gives you back the image of someone frustrated, someone who is unable to get out of this vicious circle because self-esteem has already been transformed into a feeling of inferiority.
Changes in self-perception
If I offered optimism, openness, affection and humility, and I only receive scorn, mockery and criticism, what I will do in the first place is to become aware that he or she who said he or she loved me, does not do so. Or at least not in the way I expected. Then, it is very likely that I will have a negative perception of myself for having made a mistake, for having naively deluded myself, and for having invested in someone who did not deserve my efforts or my feelings.
I will see the other person badly but I will also have a negative self-perception of myself, which is very dangerous, because emotional costs often turn us into victims. And that is something we have to deal with.
I have changed, but I will move forward
You've been let down and hurt. Maybe throughout your life you have met several sadness sculptors, because there are of all genders, of all conditions and with many masks. However, it is also important that even knowing that "something has changed inside us", we reflect on these aspects:
You may no longer be that person of yesterday who so much enjoyed opening up to life, you are no longer so innocent and you know what the pain of disappointment is. The first thing you should do now is to get out of any situation that causes you suffering, do not allow yourself to be a victim. Walk away.
Accept what you have experienced, it is part of you and you must integrate it. You have suffered, you have been disappointed and you have tasted the taste of the greatest sadness. What good will it do you to deny it? Accept it, and day by day, let go of the pain, let it go, lighten your load...
You are no longer your sorrows, you are the one who has accepted them and left them behind. You are your present, your "here and now", the past pain must remain in yesterday and in a learning with which to move forward safely.
Have you changed? It is possible, we all do it, but you will not allow yourself to walk the path of sadness and even less lose your illusions. You will love yourself much more, you are now the sculptor of your own life and the architect of your happiness.
Image courtesy of Lucy Campbell
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Kim Peek, the case that inspired the Rain Man story.
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п»ї<title>Kim Peek, the case that inspired the Rain Man story.</title>
Kim Peek's fascinating story reminds us that human beings are wonderfully different and that good and bad, better and worse are relative concepts in the world we move in. The entire planet learned about him through the famous movie Rain Man, which portrayed in part his talent and his tragedy.
Kim Peek, the real Rain Man, inspired the film's script and the central threads of the story. However, his real life differed greatly from what was shown in the film. This production marked a milestone in the history of cinema, but also in the existence of the character that inspired it.
The story of Kim Peek is perhaps more fascinating than that of Rain Man himself. So much so that it is estimated that more than two million people searched for him to interact with him. Several documentaries were also made about his case and even NASA wanted to know in detail who was this sweet man who had inspired one of the best movies of the twentieth century.
"Maybe I'm the star, but you Kim are the sky."
-Dustin Hoffman
Kim Peek, a "mentally retarded"?The diagnosis Kim Peek received when he was born, in 1951, was just that: mental retardation. He came into the world with a disability and so the doctors advised him to be placed in a specialized center. His family did not agree with the advice. They wanted Kim with them and so it happened.
Kim Peek had macrocephaly and this meant that he would not complete his physical and mental development. Her brain was excessively large and lacked the corpus callosum, an area that connects the hemispheres. So the prognosis for her life was poor.
However, Kim's parents realized that their son was special in more ways than one. At just a year and a half old, he was already able to memorize every book they read to him. It was an amazing ability that they didn't know how to manage.
Kim's wonderful brainKim Peek's parents noticed that the boy retained entire books; they only needed to read them to him once for this phenomenon to occur. When he read a book himself, he would put it face down and never refer to it again. He no longer needed it: he had memorized it.
When he was only three years old, he learned to consult the dictionary. He would read the meanings and learn them. It is said that in total he memorized an impressive 9,000 books. He had the ability to read one page with his right eye and the other with his left eye. He also did it at a very fast pace: he completed two pages in just 10 seconds.
Likewise, Kim was able to perform complex mathematical operations in record time. He would take the phone book and add up the numbers in a column in seconds, just for the fun of it. That's why when he grew up he was able to keep a company's total accounting without the aid of a calculator or paper.
A beautiful lifeUnlike the Rain Man in the movie, Kim was a caring person. He enjoyed social contact and responded with understanding and affection to anyone who addressed him. Although his memory was gifted, he could not draw conclusions from his reading or apply his mathematical knowledge to activities other than calculus.
He also had several motor problems. He only walked until he was 4 years old and reached adulthood without being able to button his shirt or tie his shoes.
Barry Morrow, the screenwriter of Rain Man, met him by chance at an event about people with special limitations and potential. Morrow had already made a film on the subject, but was blown away when he met Kim.
This led him to write the screenplay for Rain Man. Dustin Hoffman, who played the character, also met Kim and expressed his admiration for him on multiple occasions. He publicly thanked him for his contribution when he won the Oscar award for his performance in this film.
As for Kim Peek, he was also caught up in the fame. His father assures that this exerted a positive influence on his life, as it allowed him to enjoy contact with others as never before. This wonderful man, who came into the world to teach us something more about human paradoxes, died of cardiorespiratory arrest in 2009, at the age of 58.
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