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"The future is behind us", the vision of the Nasa Indians.
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п»їIn the West, a mental pattern has been imposed in which time is assumed to be linear. In this way, we have become accustomed to the idea that the past is behind us, the present in the point on which we step and the future in the lines that start towards the horizon. However, other cultures see it differently. The Nasa Indians, for example, have a phrase that may surprise us: "The future is behind us.
For a Westerner, this statement that "the future is behind us" is completely enigmatic, since it goes against the popular conception.
It must be said that the Nasa do not see time as a continuous line, but as a cyclical process, in which the past, the present and the future are realities that meet again and again.
In fact, Nasa not only says that "the future is behind us", but complements this statement with another one that may be equally enigmatic: "the past is ahead of us". What do they mean by this, and what can we learn from this conception of time? Let's see.
"The word without action is empty. Action without word is blind. Word and action outside the spirit of community is death."
-Nasa Pal ГЃlvaro Ulcue Chocue-.
"The women of the Nasa community, who live in some areas of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, are accustomed to wear a kind of mantilla and use it to carry their children on their backs. This gesture is not only a practical way to go everywhere with their children, while keeping their hands and arms free, but also has a symbolic meaning.
When these women are asked why they carry their children on their backs, they answer that "the future is behind them". That is to say that they carry their own future on their backs; their children, on the other hand, look backwards: where, according to their culture, the future is; they, on the other hand, look forward to gather the lessons of the past.
Why do the Nasa say that "the future is behind us"? This community believes that the future is the direct result of the past: its consequence. So it is not as random as we see it in the West, since simply by contemplating what happened and what was done, one can anticipate much of what will happen and be done.
"The past lies ahead "The statement that "The future lies behind" is complemented by the idea that "The past lies ahead." This means that, as some poets have said, the past is something that is always happening. In reality, we are basically our past, for that which we bring from yesterday is what becomes visible today and will continue to manifest tomorrow.
For the Nasa, individual destiny has little meaning. In their conception of the world, the collective occupies a central place. Therefore, when they speak of past and future, since the present seems to them almost non-existent, they do so from a communitarian perspective.
In this way, they see yesterday as a personal history, but also and mainly as a common history, of family and community.
They do not only take into account the immediate past, but they also deal with previous generations. In other words, unlike what happens in our societies, the Nasa have a markedly historical vision of their existence.
What can we learn from this perspective? If we stick to the facts, the Nasa's vision of time is much more in line with reality than the linear conception of time. In the West, the idea that the past is somehow disconnected from the present and the future prevails. That is why we are often called upon to "forget the past" or "not to think about the future", but to stay settled in the present.
It is very difficult to specify where the present is, because time does not stop at any moment. This second that we are living, in just another second will be past; and it is only one second away from the future.
So "the now" is very contemptible. Likewise, it is true that the past is always happening. Countless of today's actions depend even on childhood experiences.
"The future is behind us" because yesterday holds the keys to understanding who we are and where we are going. Time and again we will encounter in the future the traces and consequences of the past. So understanding personal history and that of our people is a fundamental key to making today what will be tomorrow's reality.
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What type of exercise is best for the brain?
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п»їExercising is not only extremely positive for the health of our hearts, it is also good for the brain. In fact, exercising is not only a way to keep us in good physical shape or improve our mood, but it is also a completely natural way to improve our memory and protect our brain against cognitive decline associated with aging.
However, not all types of exercise are equally beneficial to the brain. In this article we are going to see what type of exercise is best for the brain, according to the results of the latest scientific studies.
In this regard, a great deal of recent research suggests that any type of exercise that raises the heart rate and makes us move and sweat for an extended period of time (i.e., aerobic exercise) has a significant and very beneficial impact on the brain.
In general, exercise changes the structure and function of the brain. Animal and human studies have shown that physical activity generally increases brain volume and can reduce the number and size of age-related problems in the white and gray matter of the brain. In addition, exercise increases adult neurogenesis, the creation of new neurons in an already mature brain.
Aerobic exercise, key to a healthy brainWe can already enjoy some of the benefits of exercise within minutes of starting. Others, such as memory improvement, may take several weeks to appear. That implies that the best type of physical conditioning for the brain is any aerobic exercise that can be performed regularly and consistently for at least 45 minutes.
One study in people with severe depression found that as little as 30 minutes walking on a treadmill for 10 consecutive days was enough to produce a clinically relevant and statistically significant reduction in depressive symptomatology.
Aerobic workouts can also help people who do not suffer from clinical depression to feel less stressed. What happens is that they lower levels of the body's natural stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, according to a recent study in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science.
On the other hand, a study published in the British Journal suggests that the best results for people over 50 come from a combination of aerobic and resistance exercises. These combinations can include anything from high-intensity interval training to dynamic yoga flows, interspersed with strength exercises (with weights or body weight) or dance moves.
Another study supports that research. That study found that, in adults aged 60 to 88, walking for 30 minutes, four days a week, for 12 weeks, appeared to improve synaptic activity in memory-related areas of the brain that are sensitive to deterioration over the years.
After exercise, we think betterResearchers are still not sure why exercise, specifically aerobic exercise, appears to improve brain function. The fact is that studies suggest that it has to do with increased blood flow, which provides the brain with energy and oxygen. But it's not the only explanation.
In fact, we can all experience, if we haven't already, the effects on our minds of going for a walk or getting some exercise after a day's work. That walk, or any other form of exercise, makes us feel more lucid.
This feeling is not just in our minds. Research suggests that we think and learn better when we walk or do some other form of exercise. Research shows that when we exercise, blood pressure and blood flow increase throughout the body, including the brain. That results in more energy and oxygen, which makes our brains work better.
Another explanation for why sweating increases our mental capacity is that the hippocampus, a part of the brain essential for learning and memory, is very active during exercise. When the neurons in this structure speed up, our cognitive function improves.
In this regard, a study in older women who showed potential symptoms of dementia found that aerobic exercise was associated with an increase in the size of the hippocampus. According to the researchers, this study suggests that anyone in good health over the age of 50 should do 45 minutes of aerobic exercise 4-5 days a week, as much as possible.
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Free yourself from the pain caused by high expectations.
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п»їWe are experts at making a world of ideas in our heads out of thin air. When you go to college, you expect to find a great job right out of college. If you're in a relationship, you look forward to thinking about what your life will be like with that person. And so we go through life, hoping for the best possible scenario.
This is not all bad. On the contrary, having goals is necessary for a successful life. If you don't challenge yourself every moment, you don't move forward.
"Suffering is terrible and traumatic, we get angry and it makes us shake our fists to the heavens and cry to vent the rage. But in the process we discover a new tomorrow you never would have imagined."
-Rob Bell
The problem is that we are not always realistic about what we are looking for. When we go beyond our possibilities we end up giving up.
If you focus on taking it one step at a time, you avoid the pain of not reaching high expectations.
Create realistic goals
To avoid the pain of high expectations you need to set realistic goals. The secret is to find the balance between your highest ambitions and your possibilities.
I'm not saying you can't go as high as you want to go. But you can't expect to have immediate success with little effort.
"An objective, a goal, a target serve to determine today's action and obtain tomorrow's result."
-Peter Drucker
Think about the people you admire and you will realize that they have all taken one step at a time. Before planning the wedding and naming the children you will have with your partner, spend the first six months with him.
When you put all your attention on achieving the small goals, you create the perfect path to the ultimate goal.
"People who say life is worthless are wrong because what they are really saying is that they have no worthwhile goals. Set a goal that is worth fighting for without stopping. Always have a list of goals to achieve, when you complete one, move on to another."
-Maxwell Martz
Establish your own system for measuring successMany of the high expectations we have come from our upbringing. If you were taught at home that only someone who has a car of the year and a huge house is successful, that's what you'll look for.
But have you ever thought about what success is for you? How would you measure it?
It's hard to believe but everywhere you go you can find people with a lot of social success but little emotional satisfaction.
Maybe after buying that huge house in a luxury development you realize that the debt it caused you is making you unhappy. In this case, the emotional and financial pain will be enormous.
Stop and think about how you can measure success. You can do it based on:
The number of people around you who matter to you.
The amount of money you have in your bank account.
The hours you can spend with your family.
These are just a few options, you must find yours without feeling pressured by others.
"Talking to young people about success as if it were the main goal in life should be avoided. The most important reason for working in school and in life is the pleasure of working, the pleasure of its result, and the knowledge of the value of the result to the community.
-Albert Einstein
Setting high expectations is important in lifeI don't want you to think that you should lower the high expectations in your life. On the contrary, they will move you forward and make you a better person.
The point is that you only evolve when you challenge yourself with what you want and what makes you happy. If along the way you forget about yourself and what you want, pain will be inevitable.
No matter what happens, remember that the protagonist of your story is yourself and you should not allow anything to take that role away from you.
"You have to have faith in yourself. Therein lies the secret. Even when I was in the orphanage and roaming the streets looking for what to eat to live on, even then, I considered myself the greatest act in the world. Without absolute self-confidence, one is doomed to failure."
-Charles Chaplin

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п»ї<title>Coloring, a therapeutic pleasure</title>
Coloring, the simple act of illuminating bare surfaces, has more than just a creative purpose. It is an exercise of liberation, of connection with our own inner self....
It is quite possible that you associate the exercise of coloring with childhood. The smell of pencils and those drawings ready to come to life, are undoubtedly a very dear past for all of us. Now, you will be interested to know that in recent years this endearing art has become more than a task exclusively oriented to children.
Coloring is a therapeutic and rehabilitative exercise in various types of disorders and diseases.
Beyond the clinical field, the relevance that this trend is acquiring has led to the publication of fantastic coloring books aimed at adult audiences. The purpose? They call it anti-stress art, but the truth is that it goes much further.
Coloring this type of drawings is to guide our mind through satiny universes of fantasy, of magical simplicity, in which to disconnect from daily problems and enjoy an act as simple as painting a series of complex drawings.
Young authors like Johanna Basford represent today a trend with a lot of repercussion. Two of her books: "The Secret Garden" and "The Enchanted Forest" are an example of a publishing success where millions of adults have been captivated by this therapeutic and liberating art.
Coloring, a therapy with many clinical benefitsWhile it is true that the recent success of this type of books almost always seeks an audience that wants to enjoy only the simple art of drawing and painting, the exercise of coloring has long been of great importance in the field of cognitive rehabilitation.
People with various types of dementia or neurological diseases, can benefit from this exercise that improves psychomotor coordination, or spatial orientation.
It is a simple exercise that induces the person in a state of inner tranquility where to develop basic cognitive processes such as concentration on a task, creativity and motivation.
It establishes an inner connection, where the mind leaves for a moment and in the background the external environment, to be suspended in that personal dimension where to harmonize sensations through color, where to relieve anxiety or stress.
Children with different types of needs and deficiencies can benefit, for example, from the exercise of coloring mandalas, a task already well established at the psycho-pedagogical level.
Coloring is a silent act where an inner poetry is exercised through multiple emotions, and the world suddenly seems to harmonize. We can all benefit from this exercise.
Coloring, a simple act of daily liberationWhy not? Those who are faithful followers of this art, point out that it is a task as relaxing as it is pleasurable. The act of opening colorless pages where we are invited to immerse ourselves in complex fantasy worlds is in itself something exciting.
Some people choose markers, others crayons or crayons. Be that as it may, the opinion is always unanimous: this is an art form that manages stress in a very elementary way, offering us all these dimensions:
In the act of coloring we put both hemispheres to work, we coordinate imagination with logic, precision with inventiveness, concentration with inner liberation.
It is not necessary to color to get rid of stress in an obligatory way, that is to say, these books are not only acquired by those who lead a life marked by pressure and anxiety. Not at all. Most choose them for their aesthetic beauty, and because painting, in turn, evokes that artistic and creative side that we all have.
Each person has his or her own concerns and dives into these drawings either out of curiosity or because he or she has a passion for art. Be that as it may, the agreement seems to be unanimous on the "relaxing" benefits.
Coloring "heals" many other aspects. It can unblock many inner emotions by guiding us on a walk through color. It forces us to choose certain shades that, in some way, come to evidence our state of mind.
Sometimes, when different types of more guided therapy tend to fail, exercises such as coloring allow the person to enjoy a small moment of independence and solitude at the same time. This connection with our inner self can be a very cathartic exercise.
As a curious fact we will tell you that Carl Gustav Jung delved into the art of coloring mandalas. According to him, the circular images exert a healing process for the soul, and hence its magic. That is why the vast majority of books sold today always include fascinating representations where the circular form is almost never missing. They are still implicit mandalas.
When one draws or paints, one exercises the mind. What we do first of all is to look for information, we internalize the drawing itself, and then, we choose the colors based on personal orientations. And while we do it, we meditate, organize ideas and release tensions... Can there be anything better?
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Aceasta este prima data cand folosesc un protector de ecran Spigen, deoarece in mod normal merg cu alte marci care au recenzii bune. Cu toate acestea, avand in vedere ca alte protectii de ecran Spigen au avut recenzii extrem de pozitive si stralucitoare, m-am gandit sa cheltuiesc putin mai mult si sa le dau o sansa.
Cutia a fost livrata cu doua aplicatoare cu protectoare de ecran incorporate, servetele umede de curatare, o carpa de curatare uscata, autocolante pentru scame, instructiuni, o racleta si un mic card de diverse. Instalarea in sine a fost un pic confuza la inceput, deoarece era prima data cand foloseam acest stil, dar dupa o relectura sau doua am fost ca si cum "oh, bine" si de acolo a fost o navigare usoara (instructiunile mele personale sunt in ultimul paragraf).
Ganduri transparente- imi place cat de usoara si precisa este aplicarea, dar wow, se murdareste repede. Alte protectii de ecran pe care le-am cumparat (vorbesc de jumatate de pret pentru un pachet de 3) au fost ambele instalate fara bule si au ramas foarte curate pentru o vreme inainte de a pierde stratul oleofob. Pe acesta il am de mai putin de 24 de ore si este un magnet de scame, are amprente peste tot si se curata foarte murdar, ceea ce este groaznic. Le voi face pe amandoua sa dureze cat mai mult timp, dar nu le voi mai cumpara din nou. Sunt super pretentios, asa ca daca nu va pasa de lucrurile marunte si doriti doar sa va protejati telefonul, aceasta este calea de urmat. Oricum, per total nu sunt perfecte, dar nu sunt cele mai proaste pe care le-am incercat vreodata. Le dau un sincer 4/5.
in cazul in care cineva este confuz sau are nevoie de instructiuni mai detaliate: stergeti telefonul cu un servetel umed, stergeti cu carpa uscata, folositi un autocolant cu scame mari peste tot, asigurati-va ca aplicatorul are partea cu fila de tragere in jos (partea cu autocolantul cu numerele 1-3 ar trebui sa fie cu fata in sus), desprindeti si puneti rapid aplicatorul pe telefon, apasati in mijloc si glisati de la 1 la 3, asteptati 30 de secunde, desprindeti de la 3 la 1, ridicati aplicatorul, desprindeti fila de pe dispozitivul de protectie a ecranului, apoi stoarceti bulele si ati terminat. SUGESTIE: daca esti un perfectionist ca mine, care dispretuieste chiar si o singura scama sub protector, inainte de a aplica aplicatorul pe telefon, tineti protectorul de ecran in mana dreapta in timp ce suflati si va pregatiti sa desprindeti, apoi suflati o ultima data bine si foarte repede desprindeti si aplicati. Acest lucru va va asigura o aplicare perfecta, fara a fi nevoie sa ridicati geamul pentru a incerca sa indepartati orice scame.
Va multumesc pentru lectura, sper ca acest lucru ajuta pe cineva. Am atasat fotografii, inclusiv una din spate, astfel incat oamenii sa stie ca aceasta este o recenzie reala de la un client platitor real cu un iPhone 13 Pro Max real lol.
Unele dintre aceste recenzii cam SUS fiind telefonul la momentul recenziei mele aint chiar si afara, cu exceptia cazului in care exista A cumva toti recenzorii tech sau B le-a cumparat pentru 12 pro max. Pentru mine voi actualiza recenzia dupa ce voi primi efectiv telefonul, dar pana acum din ceea ce am inspectat din cutie, este la fel ca 12 pro max minus dimensiunea crestaturii.
Folosesc Spigen de ceva vreme pentru protectiile de ecran, nu am avut niciodata probleme pana acum! Protectorul de ecran Spigen de la ultimul meu telefon a rezistat la mai multe caderi fara sa se crape, asa ca sunt sigur ca acesta imi va proteja foarte bine si 13 pro max. Voi actualiza recenzia mea mai tarziu daca voi intampina probleme cu ea.
Se potriveste perfect pentru 13 Pro Max. Am apreciat foarte mult instructiunile de protectie impotriva prostiei si tava de instalare. Platesti pentru marca Spigen, desigur, dar platesti si pentru accesoriile bine ambalate si pentru experienta bine gandita a tavii de instalare. Dezvaluirea (distanta de la display la marginea de sticla) in jurul ecranului este perfect aliniata cu tava, ceea ce elimina o mare parte din marja de eroare! Am cumparat o carcasa fara nume si functioneaza perfect cu sticla Spigen.
Sfaturile mele pentru cea mai buna instalare:
1) Spalati-va mainile cu sapun inainte. Curatarea uleiurilor ajuta la mentinerea curata a sticlei.
2) Folositi mai intai microfibra, apoi servetelul de curatare, apoi cealalta parte a microfibrei pentru a se usca.
3) Pastrati tava orientata cu partea din spate in jos si desprindeti autocolantul in timp ce se afla in aceasta orientare. in acest fel, nu cade praf pe partea lipicioasa.
4) in timp ce tineti tava cu o mana, folositi cealalta mana pentru a tampona ecranul cu autocolantul de indepartare a prafului pentru ultima oara.
5) Apoi, puneti imediat tava si urmati instructiunile pentru a apasa pe sticla.
Am comandat acest lucru pentru iPhone-ul meu precomandat 13 Pro Max, si din moment ce telefoanele au fost anuntate doar cu o saptamana inainte si nu au inceput inca sa fie livrate, am fost ingrijorat ca poate producatorul a vandut protectii de ecran care nu au fost cu adevarat proiectate pentru noul ecran, dar sunt fericit sa spun ca potrivirea este 100% perfecta! Decupajul crestaturii se potriveste perfect cu conturul crestaturii ecranului iPhone, deci este clar ca este proiectat pentru noile specificatii si nu este modelul de anul trecut.
Cel mai bun lucru la acest produs este aplicatorul. Este extrem de bine conceput, usor de utilizat si a oferit o instalare PERFECTa. Am instalat protectorul de ecran in momentul in care am deschis cutia iPhone-ului pentru a nu avea de-a face cu praful si, din fericire, am reusit sa il instalez fara nicio pata. Exista doua protectii de ecran in pachet, astfel incat sa aveti o alta sansa daca il stricati pe primul, dar cu un aplicator atat de bun, este putin probabil sa o stricati, cu exceptia cazului in care sunteti ghinionist si aveti praf in deriva intre desprinderea plasticului si instalarea sticlei.
Sticla este perfect transparenta, neteda si nu interfereaza in niciun fel cu sensibilitatea tactila a ecranului iPhone. Sunt super multumita de aceasta protectie si cu siguranta voi cumpara de la Spigen cand imi voi lua urmatorul telefon. Costul este foarte rezonabil pentru protectia pe care o ofera acest produs. Foarte recomandat!
in primul rand , eu nu sunt unul care sa ma intereseze cu adevarat de protectii de ecran si carcase, iau ceea ce are cele mai bune recenzii pe Smart.md si pretul este bun de asemenea.
Acest protector de ecran este mult peste toate celelalte pe care le-am detinut, atat de mult incat acesta ar putea fi primul pe care l-am revizuit. Usurinta cu care se pune este superioara oricarui alt sistem de pe piata... curatati ecranul si apoi apasati protectorul in pozitie (nu trebuie sa faceti gauri lungi sau bucati de urechi, etc.). A durat aproape un minut si a avut ZERO particule de praf sau obiecte sub ecran, chiar si zero bule de indepartat.
Stratul de acoperire sau orice altceva din care este facut face ca degetele sa alunece pe el cu usurinta ! Nici macar nu exagerez , acest lucru este perfect din toate punctele de vedere .
Nu pot spune suficient de multe lucruri pozitive despre acest lucru
Prea mare, nu se potriveste corect cu telefonul
Nu a putut pune pe noul meu iPhone 13 pro max. Telefonul meu neprotejat si este inutil. Mai mult pentru un 6.1 decat pentru un 6.7
Am cumparat acest lucru inainte de a primi iPhone-ul meu 13 Pro Max. Spigen a batut serios in cuie instalarea. Mai ales instalarea pe un telefon nou, care nu a necesitat nici o curatare.
Cand am instalat acest lucru pe telefonul meu, am decojit suportul de pe protectorul de ecran si am pastrat asta in lateral, protejandu-l de praf.
Apoi am indepartat capacul de hartie al ecranului pe care Apple il preinstaleaza pe noile iPhone-uri. Am putut apoi sa asez imediat (inainte ca praful sa aiba sansa sa cada pe ecran) aplicatorul deasupra telefonului meu.
Am frecat in sus si in jos, am asteptat cele 30 de secunde conform instructiunilor. Am desprins autocolantul care il tinea. Hei, gata, in 2 minute instalasem o protectie de ecran impecabila. De asemenea, este perfect facuta pentru carcasa Spigen. Se aliniaza perfect.
Singurul lucru minor a fost ca marginea de sus a unuia dintre protectorii mei de ecran parea sa nu aiba suficient adeziv. Nu este chiar o problema mare (o pot vedea doar cand o caut). Am aplicat, de asemenea, unul si pe telefonul tatalui meu si si al lui a fost perfect (chiar mai bine decat al meu, deoarece adezivul de pe telefonul lui parea perfect pe marginea superioara).
Aceasta este de departe cea mai buna si cea mai usoara protectie de ecran pe care am instalat-o vreodata. Am ajuns sa cumpar un alt pachet pentru viitor. Cu siguranta as recomanda acest lucru oricui.
in concluzie - pret bun, ecran de calitate excelenta si nu necesita abilitati.
Doua protectii de ecran in interiorul ambalajului. Extrem de simplu de aplicat datorita tehnologiei GLAStR, care elimina orice indemanare umana necesara in aplicarea dispozitivului de protectie a ecranului.
Ecranul este in continuare foarte alunecos si la atingere la fel ca ecranul original, este foarte clar si nu se observa atunci cand il privesti.
Eu nu as cauta mai departe si as merge mai departe si l-as cumpara.
Acesta a fost montat pe un iphone nou-nout.  Ambele protectii de ecran au avut bule care au fost in cele din urma lucrate pe partile laterale.  in cateva secunde, partile laterale s-au desprins si nu s-au sigilat.  Adezivul este foarte foarte slab si nu este la nivelul standardului.  Foarte scump si complicat pentru rezultat.
NU se recomanda deloc.  1/10. Pierdere totala de 10 lire sterline.
Telefon nou, asa ca, desigur, am apuca un ecran de calitate de protectie, Spigen a venit in minte si acestea sunt bine revizuite inca in ciuda usurintei cu care a fost instalarea a fost garda este nealiniati si odata ce cazul a mers pe telefonul meu a doua zi, marginile de protectie au inceput sa se ridice.
Plasticul / tavita de ghidare usor de montat (cel putin in cazul meu) a plasat protectia prea sus pe ecran, cu cel putin 3/4 mm mai putin in partea de jos, deci mult prea sus in partea de sus, atarnand mult deasupra crestaturii decupajului camerei foto si, odata ce telefonul a stat in buzunar o ora sau doua, cele doua colturi superioare au inceput sa se ridice in cazul in care protectia este prea inalta si acum atinge marginile carcasei.
Da, garda este o briza pentru a se potrivi, fara bule etc., dar daca tava de plastic turnat pune garda pe strabism, care este punctul ?  Am montat zeci de protectii pe telefoane, placute etc. de-a lungul anilor & acesta este cel mai rau pana acum.
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7 Viking proverbs about life
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п»ї<title>7 Viking proverbs about life</title>
One of the best ways to learn about our present and our world is through the study of the past. If we look at what our roots are, we will open the door to many answers linked to today's world. For example, reading Viking proverbs about life, about death, about the future of society and people....
Many consider Viking society as a group of savage pirates who thought only of war, plunder and death. However, despite the violence of their groups, they also had and generated great sources of knowledge and their proverbs are a good example of this.
In fact, beyond the Viking proverbs, their societies created a powerful iconography and legend that was exploited centuries later by talents such as the writer J.R.R. Tolkien, who drew on their stories to create Middle Earth, or Stan Lee and his comic book characters now known to all thanks to the cinema.
Excellent Viking proverbs to learn to live betterBeyond the unfair summary that points them out as simple violent looters, history tells us that they were good merchants and craftsmen. In addition, they created beautiful jewelry as easily as they invented fables and stories that have come down to our days, because their religion and iconography was very rich and complex, something that is noticeable in their proverbs.
Beware of power
"If you eat cherries with the powerful you risk having the pits rain down on your nose."
A saying widely used by many people goes 'tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are'. The Vikings were already aware of this. Dangerous friendships, especially with powerful people, could have dire consequences for the humble, the weak, the one who had everything to lose at the moment of truth.
It is necessary to be cautious
"Before entering a place, see where you can get out".
In addition to being great warriors, the Vikings were wise, and that made them foresighted. So when you enter a place, enter a conversation, get a new job, or start a business, to name a few simple examples, always keep an escape plan. Take a good look at how you can get out of any place, space, job, business, etc., if you don't want to find yourself in a possible dead end.
"If you manage to find a loyal friend and want him to be useful to you, open your heart to him, send him gifts and travel often to see him."
The Viking civilization highly valued friendship, camaraderie and companionship. From their proverbs we observe the importance they gave to the care of the circle of support, understanding the value it represents.
"There is no better baggage to carry about than sanity and a clear mind. In distant lands it is more useful than gold and gets the poor out of trouble."
We also find that Viking proverbs remind us of the importance of being sensible and consistent. Not all the money in the world can be as useful as the use of intelligence and wisdom to get out of any problem or jam, even at the ends of the earth, for this civilization possessed some of the most daring sailors, capable of reaching the American shores before Christopher Columbus.
Living life
"Live with illusion while you are alive, the agile always come out ahead. I saw the flames of a mansion, but at the door lay a dead man."
It should also be remembered that the Vikings were lovers of the good life, good food and enjoyment. For them, life was a way forward and death a natural leap, for there awaited them the Valhalla of warriors.
Better not to mock too much
"The house of the one who mocks, ends up on fire".
We can interpret this Viking proverb in several ways. On the one hand, it speaks of prudence. On the other, it reminds us of the saying that 'if you see your neighbor's beard burning, soak your own'. Better to be prudent and equanimous in life.
Better a bird in the hand...
"Better a free bird than a captive king".
We end with a wise proverb that more than one has used in its various meanings and formulas. It reminds us that in order to preserve some rights or to give shape to some desires we will often have to give up others. Thus, it is likely that on many occasions we are tempted to give up freedom, to sacrifice it momentarily. This, the last of the Viking proverbs, invites us to reflect before doing so.
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How to cultivate your inner world
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п»ї<title>How to cultivate your inner world</title>
Cultivating your inner world is as important to your well-being as taking care of your physical health. Your thoughts, emotions, values and attitudes have an enormous influence on the way you experience the world. That's why more and more people have begun to pay attention to this fundamental part of their lives.
However, finding ways to cultivate your inner world can be tricky at times. After all, when we are born we don't come with an instruction manual on how to be happy. That's why in this article you will discover some steps you can take to work on this area effectively.
Cultivating your inner world: important aspectsTo take care of your physical health, you can start by working on three basic pillars: food, exercise and rest. In the same way, on a mental level you can focus your work on:
Your thoughts and beliefs.
Your attitudes and values.
The emotions you usually feel.
Next we will study each of them in depth.
1- Your thoughts and beliefsThe first component of your inner world is the way you think, your internal dialogue. For thousands of years, we have known that the way we feel at any given moment depends a lot on the messages we give ourselves, what we focus our mental attention on. Therefore, to start being a happier person, you need to consciously modify the way you talk to yourself.
Perhaps you think that you are one of those individuals who do not say anything to yourself. Well, the reality is that you do, even if you don't realize it. However, even if you are not consciously aware of your thoughts, they have a very powerful effect on your mood. Because of this, the first thing you have to do is to identify the type of messages your mind is working with.
Once you have managed to identify your thoughts, the second step is to change them for others that help you. For this, the best thing to do is to identify your irrational beliefs and try to transform them into realistic and empowering ideas.
For example, you may find yourself thinking that you are good for nothing. However, if you reflect on this, you will realize that this is an exaggeration. What are you really good at? What can you achieve if you work hard enough? These kinds of reflections will help you form a stronger self-esteem and a more realistic view of the world.
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."
-Henry Ford
2- Your attitudes and valuesThe second thing you need to do to cultivate your inner world is to modify your attitudes and values; that is, the importance you give to each aspect of your life and what you consider important to you. Carefully choosing what you hold dear can make all the difference.
Below is a list of empowering and limiting values. Use it to realize what you are prioritizing in your life, and whether doing so is helping or hurting you.
Always being right. For some people, the need to always be right is the most important thing. Therefore, they don't mind fighting with their loved ones or feeling terrible as long as others listen to them and agree with them. This usually causes a lot of frustration and prevents them from achieving continued well-being.
Avoid taking risks. Many individuals live their lives paralyzed by fear. For these people, security and lack of risk is the most important thing; whenever they can, they will try not to have to face any kind of uncertainty. Most of the time, this leads them to fail to take advantage of most of the opportunities that come their way.
Doing their best. Some people are clear that the most important thing in their life is to give 100% in everything they do. This usually leads them to try, to face their fears and to achieve what they set out to do; although of course, the road is never free of difficulties.
Freedom. For some, the ability to not depend on anyone and to choose what to do at any given moment is the most important thing. This can have both positive and negative consequences. The truth is that those who choose this value above all others tend to have much more rewarding lives.
3- Your emotionsThe last pillar to take care of in order to cultivate your inner world is the way you feel. However, the best way to work on it tends to be indirect. Instead of trying to change your emotions directly, it is much more effective to modify your thoughts, your values and your life in a way that brings you maximum happiness.
Of course, if your feelings are out of control, you can learn some tools to try to manage them. This is precisely what most psychological therapies deal with. Even so, except in very extreme cases, the concern for emotions should only appear once you already have under control the other two elements of your inner world.
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5 traits that identify a psychological abuser
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п»ї<title>5 traits that identify a psychological abuser</title>
The psychological abuser is not always easy to identify. There is a belief that they can only hurt us when they physically attack us. The problem is that there are experts in hurting without giving a blow, a push or using an object. But they cause as much or more damage as those who physically assault.
Machismo, bullying, discrimination... There are innumerable reasons for someone to feel entitled to mistreat someone they consider weaker. It is one of the strongest expressions of inequality and, of course, it has to do with the ideal of success and the permanent competition in which we live.
"Psychological violence turns you, in your mind, into a useless person."
-Ana Isabel GutiГ©rrez Salegui-
In any space and place we find them. In family life, couple relationships, friends, school, university, work. There is no escape. They are there and it is impossible to avoid their presence. But we can identify them from their characteristic features. Hence it is important to be alert and know how to interpret what could be the true intentions of a person.
Although there is no unity of criteria among psychologists and scholars on the subject, the psychological abuser is far from being mentally ill. In most cases he simply causes harm by proving the power he has over the other. That is why there are outstanding characteristics that define him. Here are five of them.
1. Intolerance and the psychological abuserThe abuser does not accept differences. His is the only possible world and does not value the world of others. In his relations with the opposite sex, he always considers the other as inferior. These are cases of machismo or feminism taken to the extreme.
He treats others according to the characteristics that society attributes to them. If he shares them, then he will approach only those who identify with him. Otherwise, he will distance himself and adopt attitudes of rejection. He allows himself to be carried away by social prejudices. That is why it is common to see him discriminating and being disrespectful to those who are different.
2. RigidityThe abuser thinks and acts as if he owns the truth. He does not care about the reasons of others. He tends to impose his ideas regardless of the context in which he finds himself. When it comes to establishing agreements, he does not give an inch because he believes that his points of view must be accepted.
A psychological abuser believes he dominates all situations and is always right. Others are wrong and their dissenting ideas are wrong just because they are dissenting. He is a negative leader who always intends to stand out, manipulate and be the center of attention.
3. Dichotomous thinking
For a person with this psychological configuration, there is only black and white. He does not admit nuances of any kind. This prevents him from forgiving, from taking into account the circumstances of someone who may have made a mistake, or simply from being incapable of recognizing his own mistakes.
To this abuser the phrase "from love to hate there is only one step" fits like a glove. This is how he conceives life: as two extremes that, if they touch, produce terrible clashes.
For him, things are either good or bad; there is truth or lies; you win or lose. He reacts according to the principles with which he understands life.
4. HypersensitivityThis is the type of person who finds it difficult to manage his emotions. When they fail, they find it hard to start over. If, on the contrary, they succeed, then they believe they have reached the sky with their hands. Every extreme is vicious, says popular wisdom. But the psychological abuser looks favorably on extremism and applies it even on himself.
In them there is no real self-criticism and at the same time they judge themselves severely, but superficially. They are prone to get depressed easily. And they frequently fall into deep abysses from which almost no one is able to rescue them.
This is a product of their low self-esteem. This causes them to remain in a permanent state of anxiety and have a tendency to victimize themselves.
5. Charm
While they gain their victim's trust, they behave like the best people in the world. It is difficult for the people around them to discover their true intentions. The psychological abuser is an actor worthy of winning all the awards. He is surprisingly charismatic and people always like him when he arrives.
Even when he takes off his mask and exposes his true face, other people (especially the victim) refuse to believe that they are in the presence of an abuser. And such is the disillusionment that some may never come to accept this terrible and disconcerting truth.
Despite all these traits, the psychological abuser usually leads a life full of suffering. Their worst punishment is not being able to really love anyone. That is why there is loneliness and emptiness in his daily life. He is also a victim of himself.
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Unwanted children
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п»ї<title>Unwanted children</title>
Ideally, a child should come into the world when the parents' minds and hearts desire and call for it. But many things in life don't work out ideally. A good portion of pregnancies go unplanned. The result is unwanted children, people who begin their days in the midst of a total or partial absence of meaning to their existence.
Abortion, even today, is an option rejected by various sectors of society. In such cases, the decision to give rise to a new life is mediated primarily by moral duty, but not by affection or longing. The consequences can be serious.
Desire and the construction of desireSome mothers and fathers may not want a child at a given moment in life. And this may be so for many reasons, from the early age at which pregnancy occurs to economic problems.
If a gestation takes place under these conditions, there are only two alternatives: either these parents repress, unsuccessfully, their rejection of the new being; or they enter into a process of rethinking their expectations and manage to build a desire, based on new affections that are awakened.
If the father, the mother, or both are unable to accept the existence of a child, they may choose to abandon it, literally, or to repress their feelings and understand the situation as an imposition of destiny. The child will be an intruder for them, even if they agree to have and raise it.
Most often, in such cases, the child grows up in the midst of great affective deprivation. Yes, they give him food and cover his basic needs, but without love. Yes, he is given a roof over his head, but he feels like a stranger in his home. Repression never succeeds. Repressed feelings always return, although usually dressed in a different garb.
"A father is not the one who gives life, that would be too easy, a father is the one who gives love."
-Denis Lord
This is why many fathers who did not desire their children become extremely jealous. They don't even want the air to touch them. They perceive them as people who can be easily destroyed. And this is precisely because their bonds of affection are extremely fragile.
When a child is unwanted, parents will hardly seek quality time to share with him. Playing will be a waste of time for them. And every occasion for conversation will be uncomfortable for them. They feel they have "nothing to say".
The consequences of being unwanted children
Emotional distance from parents leaves strong imprints on people. There is an inner conviction that "something is missing", as if there is a latent question, but no words to formulate it.
It will be very difficult for unwanted children to build healthy relationships of affection in their adult life. Love has a language they do not know. They do not know how to decipher its codes, much less how to construct them.
It is very difficult for them to need and be needed. An affective relationship can be suffocating for them: it is a defense against intimacy of which they know nothing.
Normally, unwanted children will oscillate between egocentricity and deep feelings of inferiority. They do not know how to find the balance of healthy self-esteem. That is why they most often avoid conflict with their peers and superiors altogether, or do nothing but generate it. They incessantly repeat the rupture that their presence in the world meant.
A person with this background will need help to overcome the abysses of love that dwell in his heart. The most important step is for them to recognize that their discomfort does not depend on who they are, but on the circumstances that gave rise to their being. And it is never too late to have an honest conversation with parents.
Final thoughts First of all we must be aware and responsible when we have sex. Many children have been born because of a lack of caution when having sex. On the other hand, we must be aware of the importance of not taking the necessary precautions, because the result can be a child and a child is someone who will be with us all our life, will be our greatest responsibility.
The best way to deal with unwanted children is to give them our love, our support and make them our best gift. It is about changing our perspective. If we pour our negative emotions on him/her, he/she may have a complicated adolescence and/or adult life, but if we treat him/her with love, he/she may be a healthy child with good self-esteem.
In a review by Ana Langer (2002), she points out that several studies have shown that unwanted children who have been treated roughly by their parents and have not enjoyed their supervision, have had a higher incidence of criminal activities during their youth. Results such as these show that unwanted children cannot become containers of parental frustrations, but must be educated with love, affection and respect.
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There are days when we can handle anything and days when we can handle anything.
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п»ї<title>There are days when we can handle anything and days when we can handle anything.</title>
There are days when we can do anything and times when nothing can resist us. Is there anything wrong with that? Is it a problem to experience those ups and downs in the mood, those ups and downs in the universe of motivation? Certainly not. People are not machines, androids infallible in our daily tasks. We are human beings with better days and less good moments.
However, the question is that on average, we manage quite poorly those times when discouragement overcomes us and oxidizes our performance. There are times when the mind says "come on, make an effort, you have things to do" and not only the body does not accompany, but there is a part of our brain that responds with "sorry, today there are no reserves for enthusiasm, desire or motivation".
This lack of energy is not always due to a health problem, discouragement has a relief and a composition of its own that when it settles and traps us, it is very difficult to get rid of it. It is a complex mixture of psychological processes and emotions. There are thoughts, physical sensations, worries and various types of emotions (apathy, sadness, frustration...).
These "down" days are far from being a reflection of any disorder; it is not depression. However, the best thing to do is to make sure that these states do not last longer. As they come, they should go away, they should be temporary visitors, those who leave us their message and later leave us to give way to better times. Let's go a little deeper.
It may seem curious, but experts in the psychology of motivation point out something striking: the ups and downs enrich us as human beings. Going through those times when one is able to eat the world and then the days when everything gets the better of us, can give us the opportunity to teach us several things. First, that we are not infallible and that hitting rock bottom from time to time is part of normality.
On the other hand, knowing why we get down and what is behind the discouragement allows us to know ourselves better. However, there is a problem and that is that we do not like those "lows" and we defend ourselves from them as if we were getting rid of something uncomfortable that we prefer to keep away. We camouflage our discomfort without understanding it, without knowing how to manage these hidden realities that so often dampen our desire to eat the world.
Thus, and almost without realizing it, these problems become entrenched and the brain enters a cycle of constant ups and downs in which it is very easy to drift into helplessness, in that camouflaged form of depression that is dysthymia. We must be careful.
The days when everything can be very punctual in time and not something recurrent. They are moments in which there is no other option but the obvious one: to talk to ourselves and promote emotional self-care.
Why do I feel like this? What is behind the discouragement? The days when everything can us and life itself weighs us in excess, what we feel is discouragement. And when this state traps us, we use a thousand strategies to avoid it: we sleep, we walk, we watch series, we listen to music, we meet someone, we do sports... All these strategies are a way of disguising the discomfort. We hide it and do not resolve it.
It is essential in all cases that we are able to connect with the origin and trigger of that state of mind. On average, the following realities are usually behind those days in which everything overcomes us:
Social comparison. According to a study carried out at Harvard University by Dr. Tod Rogers, people tend to compare our performance, what we do, what we achieve or have with our closest environment. Doing so, looking at what others have achieved and sometimes feeling at a disadvantage, feeds discouragement and something else: low self-esteem.
Tendency to see the negative side of things. Although we do not realize it, sometimes, we go through the world with the glasses of negativity, those that only glimpse the difficulties, problems, mistakes and uncertainties. It is an obvious way of suffering.
Listening too much to the critical and perfectionist self. Many of us have a highly harmful and dangerous inner self. It is the one that feeds an internal dialogue based on self-criticism, on the search for absolute perfectionism, the one in which there is no room for mistakes.
Neglected emotions and needs. Taking care of our emotions is an act of psychological hygiene. However, we are skilled experts in the opposite: in hiding what hurts, in concealing what frustrates, what angers, what disappoints. All these dimensions create scabs and suffering. Something we certainly can't put off until tomorrow.
What can I do on those days when everything gets to us? The days when everything gets to us cannot be avoided, they cannot be solved by going out to see a movie or binge eating. These are not the right behaviors. We must not avoid them, we must face them, accept those days of depression and allow us to unravel what is in them and what we must solve.
We will attend to our thoughts and concerns. It is not about substituting negative thoughts for positive ones; that strategy does not work. What we must do is to give them presence and reason them, to understand if they are logical, if they have a basis and what I can do to alleviate those worries.
We will connect with our emotions, with those sensations that our body experiences: anger, sadness, fear... Practices such as relaxation or meditation can help us.
Onboard plan. On those days when everything can get to us, it is good to give us time, to relax, to connect with ourselves calmly. Also, after deciphering what it is that worries us and what is the reason why we are like this, it is appropriate to create a plan, some short-term goals. We will establish objectives that motivate us and that are easy to achieve in order to increase our sense of control, our ability to achieve and our enthusiasm.
In conclusion, we all have the right to have our good days and our not so good moments. We learn from everything and from each experience we should come out stronger. Let us learn not to fear those days of discouragement, they are those inflections in the time line that we must assume, face and understand. Let's keep them in mind.
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п»ї<title>The secret of happiness comes from the passion for what you do.</title>
Quality of life depends not only on happiness, but also on what one does to be happy. If one does not develop goals that give meaning to one's existence, if one does not use one's mind to its full potential, then good feelings fill only a tiny fraction of the potential one possesses. This is where the secret of happiness lies.
After decades dedicated to studying the states in which people reach their maximum potential, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's studies indicate that people are happiest when they reach a state of high concentration, which he called "flow".
This state is achieved when we experience positive emotions such as happiness, strength or positive attitude, the well-known states of "psychic negentropy". Because we do not need attention to ruminate and feel sorry for ourselves, psychic energy can flow freely into whatever thought or task we choose to put it into.
In contrast, negative emotions such as sadness, fear, anxiety or boredom produce "psychic entropy"; that is, a state in which we cannot effectively use attention to deal with external tasks, because we need it to restore an internal subjective order.
"Happiness depends on ourselves."
The flow state plays a major role in people's ability to be happyTo better understand what a flow state is, it is perhaps useful to first analyze the exact opposite state, the state in which there is no order in consciousness, in which thoughts appear and disappear capriciously without our being able to control them.
It is a very unpleasant state that is usually related to other problems such as insecurity, depression or anxiety and, if repeated frequently, can make people very unhappy.
The opposite is the flow state, when the mind flows, one feels completely attentive and in control of oneself, carefree and with a pleasant feeling of doing the right thing. Everything makes sense and the problems we encounter seem like exciting challenges that we gladly face, not threats to our well-being or personal safety.
Several studies seem to indicate that some factors such as money actually play a relative role in our happiness. This is not the secret of happiness because money, for example, is important when we have little - just as food is very important when you are starving - but the more money we have, the less it influences our happiness.
For the levels of purchasing power we enjoy in developed countries, there are much more important factors than money that determine our happiness. Instead, enjoying flow states makes a person feel more confident, less anxious and happier.
"Art or sport are cultural forms whose sole purpose is to provide the flow state."
-Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi-
Mondays may hold the secret to happinessMondays are usually the worst days of the week, almost a bad word for many people because it means going back to work. But Csikszentmihalyi, professor of neuroscience at Stanford University, has detected a paradox: work is more conducive than leisure to achieve what he calls "flow state", something that could be interpreted as the secret of happiness.
"Carrying out plans and goals of our choice, something fundamental to flow."
-Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi-
The key is that, for many people, leisure is dead time and work, quite the opposite. Having clear objectives, being able to manage them and receive feedback is key to flow.
The flow state is essentially that: the ability to concentrate psychic energy and attention on plans and goals of our choice, and to feel that they are worth doing because we have chosen this kind of life and enjoy every moment of what we do.
Have you already found the secret of happiness, of yours?
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My father has been diagnosed with Parkinson's, what's going to happen now?
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п»ї<title>My father has been diagnosed with Parkinson's, what's going to happen now?</title>
When our father, mother, grandfather or brother has been diagnosed with Parkinson's, life changes. We know that it is a neurodegenerative disease for which there are no treatments and that it is a condition when it goes far beyond simple tremors. The person's character can be altered, more complications arise and the family is faced with a situation they would never have foreseen.
Every April 11 is celebrated as World Parkinson's Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) established this day in 1997 for two reasons. First, to give visibility to a disease that sadly does not receive all the social and health care attention it needs. On the other hand, another purpose is sought, to give visibility to all those families who live with this complex reality.
Likewise, there is something that is necessary to highlight. Research carried out by various health organizations and published in specialized journals such as the Journal of Parkison's disease, reveals that in 2040 it could double its appearance to become one of the main causes of disability.
The key is that we are an increasingly aging society. Our elders are the ones who need (and will need) more and better resources.
My father has been diagnosed with Parkinson's, a very common neurological conditionWhen our father has been diagnosed with Parkinson's or someone else close to him has been given this news, on average the disease is usually advanced.
According to data from the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), it takes about 3 years to receive a definitive diagnosis because it is often confused with other pathologies.
It should also be noted that it is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, just after Alzheimer's, but, unlike Alzheimer's, therapeutic approaches can improve patients' lives and life expectancy is generally longer. There is, in fact, a very wide range of drugs adapted to each stage capable of attenuating the symptoms.
But this requires a proper diagnosis and the collaboration of the family so that the patient follows the treatments to the letter. This disease is not only a challenge for health organizations, the vision of an increasingly aging society demands new and better intervention strategies.
On a personal and human level, having someone close to you suffering from Parkinson's is also a challenge to accept and face every day.
Why has it "touched" us? What is the origin of Parkinson's? The first thing one often wonders when, for example, one's father has been diagnosed with Parkinson's is why him. One thing we should know is that it does not have a genetic origin nor is it hereditary.
It affects men and women equally and, moreover, it can appear in young people. However, the probability of onset increases as we reach older ages.
In fact, it is much more common after the age of 80 or 85. Regarding the origin of this degenerative disease that occurs with aging itself, it should be said that the focus is on the irreversible loss of dopamine. This neurotransmitter is that essential and necessary "spark" that mediates the work of our neurons.
Thanks to it, motor activity is executed, motivation is boosted, sleep and learning are regulated and it is even decisive in mediating our state of mind. As the brain ages, neurons also degenerate and this irreversible loss of dopamine can occur. This deficit cannot be stopped or reversed.
Parkinson's goes beyond motor tremorIf we ask anyone what Parkinson's is, the first thing they would say is that it is a disease in which people have a tremor of the hands and face. That is the general view of this neurological and degenerative pathology. However, it should be emphasized that there are many more alterations. They are the following:
Slowness of movements (bradykinesia).
Dyskinesias (involuntary movements)
Dystonia (muscle contractions resulting in abnormal postures).
Tremor at rest.
Muscle stiffness.
Postural instability.
Sleep disturbances.
Mood changes, appearance of anxiety disorders and depression.
Loss of smell and taste.
Problems of urination and sphincter retention.
Memory problems.
Appearance in the later stages of the disease of dementia, hallucinations, impulse control problems.
My father has been diagnosed with Parkinson's, is there treatment? If my father has been diagnosed with Parkinson's or anyone else close to him is going through this disease, there is something we need to understand. There is no cure for this neurodegenerative condition.
Treatments seek only to reduce the symptoms and improve the quality of life of sufferers. In this sense, their effectiveness will depend on the stage the patient is in.
Therefore, although the deterioration caused by Parkinson's disease cannot be reversed, the loss of dopamine is usually gradual in the early stages. At that time, individuals may benefit from treatment. It should also be noted that surgical intervention can sometimes be used to reduce motor symptoms.
The application of electrodes to generate electrical stimulation to various brain areas usually has good results. On the other hand, the range of drugs that are usually used is very wide, the most common being the following:
Dopamine precursors (Levodopa).
MAO-B/COMT inhibitors.
In conclusion, it should only be noted that research into the treatment of Parkinson's disease continues to advance. To date, there are several approaches that seek to halt the progression of this degeneration and, on the other hand, there are also research models that attempt to reverse and therefore cure the disease.
We will be keeping an eye on such hopeful progress.
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п»ї<title>Self-management, the key to assertiveness</title>
Have you ever imagined what would happen if you know yourself in depth? How would your life change by reflecting on your emotions? There are skills that can help us in various areas of our lives. Self-management is one of them.
In the following, we will take a tour of this amazing skill. We'll talk about what it is, how to develop it and why it's the key to assertiveness. Let's dig deeper!
"The ability to pause and not act on the first impulse has become crucial learning in everyday life."
-Daniel Goleman
Self-management, what is it about? Self-management is a set of skills aimed at personal organization that help us to achieve our goals. This faculty applies to personal, psychological, educational and work development. In fact, it is a much sought-after competency in the latter area.
So, all those efforts that help us to plan and make decisions in an effective way have to do with self-management. Thus, it is aimed at being able to meet goals through processes that encourage it, taking into account various factors:
Emotional. Everything related to our affective world, since this has repercussions in the areas in which we develop.
Cognitive. Thoughts and knowledge help us to reach our goals.
Behavioral. Interaction is fundamental in order to achieve what we set out to do.
It is also a process of autonomy, since the person is the one who manages what happens to him/her, how he/she relates and the decisions he/she makes. To do so, he/she needs his/her own criteria and implies responsibility and constant reflection in order to improve.
Self-management, how to develop it? To develop self-management, there are several ways. Here are some of them:
Responsibility. It is about human beings taking charge of themselves. Thus, it implies assuming the consequences and making decisions.
Continuous learning. It is about taking each issue as a way to learn, even from failures. In addition, to be updated in knowledge.
Making decisions. This skill is inherent to the executive functions, and is fundamental to reach the goal. It consists of choosing the most profitable option. Without leaving ethics aside.
Evaluate ourselves on a regular basis. This means that we must be in constant contact with our processes to achieve what we propose, learning from all our aspects.
Performance. It means to perform the tasks according to our possibilities.
Commitment. To our goals and responsibilities.
Self-management also implies leaving issues such as procrastination aside. So, it consists of being focused on the here and now to be more productive in any area of our lives.
Self-management: the key to assertivenessSelf-management sets us in motion to achieve the life we want, as we learn every day from deep within ourselves. In the workplace, we need it more and more because we tend to have a different approach, for example, from a distance.
Why is this the key to assertiveness? When we self-manage, we embark on a journey through the deepest part of our being. One that leads us to know how we react to difficult situations, what emotions and thoughts we do not know how to manage, what prejudices we have, what our greatest potential is and what we want to work on. All this helps us to interact effectively with others.
When we are assertive, we transmit our ideas in the best way, we express ourselves honestly, knowing and defending our rights while respecting those of others. This allows us to approach others and ourselves in a healthy way, which makes life easier.
Assertiveness is connected to self-management, because we cannot interact effectively if we do not know how to do it with ourselves. It is difficult for us to do so if we do not understand our limits or if we trample on those of others. It is a wonderful balance.
Also, it may seem difficult, but as we build a path that is autonomous, responsible and allows us to be close to us, we will understand how to connect with others to enhance healthy relationships. In addition, we will allow ourselves to go after what we truly want, which implies stepping out of our comfort zone, removing biases and prejudices.
In short, self-management has to do with directing ourselves to our goals in an effective way. One that does not interrupt our autonomy, that respects our limits and those of others, that makes interaction a form of growth and that puts at the service of others and ourselves the best we can give.
Making decisions, taking charge of the portions of responsibility that correspond to us and controlling our emotions and thoughts in favor of our well-being. Moreover, as Daniel Goleman says: it is an ability that drives us to learn.
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Types of bipolar disorder
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п»ї<title>Types of bipolar disorder</title>
The different types of bipolar disorder that exist make up mental realities of great impact, both for the sufferer and for his or her environment. It is a psychological condition that oscillates between periods of depression and manic phases. Thus, one can go from the most intense euphoria and overconfidence, to a state of deep dejection, anguish and negativity.
In everyday life, terminology such as "that person is a little bipolar" or "today is not my day, I'm a little bipolar" abounds. We use expressions lightly to designate the mood variability so common in human beings. However, despite the fact that the oscillation of emotions is quite common, the life of those who fall within the clinical designation is quite hard and complex.
To begin with, no two people with bipolar disorder are alike. Each case is different. There are those who follow their treatment effectively and achieve a completely normal day-to-day life.  Others, on the other hand, drift into risky behaviors, do not follow medical guidelines and fail to have adequate control over their social, personal or work life.
Let us delve a little deeper into the different types of this mental illness.
The 5 types of bipolar disorderBipolar disorder is one of the most frequent mental illnesses and also one of the most serious. We know that it affects between 3 and 5% of the world's population and that, although it is more common in the adult population, it can also emerge early in childhood. We are dealing with a disorder that persists for years, that may subside for some time, but that also returns shortly thereafter.
As we have seen, no two people with this disorder experience it in the same way. Some have severe depressions and only milder episodes of euphoria. Others suffer manic episodes of greater intensity and impact. There are those who remain stagnant for months in one state and a few alternate these cycles more frequently.
Something like this implies that it is not only decisive to diagnose this disease as soon as possible, but it is also important to know what type of bipolar disorder we are facing. We analyze them.
Cyclothymic disorderCyclothymia is the mildest form of bipolar disorder. It usually appears for the first time in adolescence, which makes it difficult to diagnose due to the behavioral changes typical of this age. However, we are often faced with situations that the family can no longer manage. These would be the characteristics:
Instability of mood, the affected person being conscious.
Mild episodes of depression (melancholy, sadness, irritability, changes in sleep and eating...).
Phases of euphoria, hyperactivity or excitement not very intense, hence we speak of hypomania.
It may take months for emotions, behavior and mood to stabilize and balance. However, sooner or later, depression or behavior tending to risk, defiance, etc., will emerge.
The family environment may perceive that the person has a very difficult character, with outbursts of bad moods very remarkable.
Bipolar disorder type IAmong the different types of bipolar disorder, this is usually diagnosed when the patient has gone through a manic phase of more than one week with the appearance, in addition, of psychotic outbreaks. These are particularly serious situations in which hospitalization is usually necessary.
Not long ago this typology was known as manic-depressive psychosis. Most notable are the episodes of mania in which violent behavior and even attempts on one's own life (suicide) may occur.
Bipolar disorder type I can range from mild to debilitating. In severe cases, the person has serious problems in leading an autonomous life (studying, working, being financially responsible, etc.).
Types of bipolar disorder: type IIThe main characteristic of this type is that the mildest version of mania, i.e. hypomania, appears. In contrast, recurrent episodes of major depression are more common. Thus, for its diagnosis, the following guidelines apply:
Having experienced at least one hypomanic episode and more than one major depressive episode.
Appearance of sleep problems: insomnia or excessive sleep (hypersomnia).
Intense exhaustion.
Unexplained crying.
Suicidal ideas.
Low self-esteem and low motivation.
Rapid cycling bipolar disorderWe define a patient as a rapid cycler when he or she has on average about four episodes during a year. These episodes can be depressive, mixed depressive, manic or hypomanic. Therefore, we can have people with type 1 disorder or type 2 disorder who can also be rapid cycling.
However, we know that this typology is not very common in all cases, only 10% present this characteristic within the different types of bipolar disorder.
Bipolar disorder due to another medical disorder or substance abuseAmong the different types of bipolar disorder, this is the most nonspecific. The reason? There are people who do not have a specific pattern like those listed above. However, because of their mood variability, medical history and behavior, they fall within the diagnosis.
Thus, it should be noted that most of these cases have two origins: suffering from an illness (such as schizophrenia) or suffering from addiction to certain substances.
To conclude, we have already seen that the different types of bipolar disorder define particular but equally serious situations. However, it is important to note several things. The first is that with effective treatment, drastic mood swings can be kept under control. This allows patients to have a better quality of life.
In addition, psychological support can teach them to develop new skills and also to improve their relationships, work and family skills, etc. With medical and psychological counseling, autonomy and satisfaction can be gained.
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п»ї<title>This short film will help you to see your defects as virtues.</title>
They say that great classics and great works of art have that category precisely because they can be read in different ways, depending on the observer who looks at them. And although this short film can send another message, today I would like to share with you what inspired me...
Perhaps you find yourself tired, bored or exhausted of your life. Almost nothing satisfies you and your existence seems meaningless. Nothing fulfills you and when you think that something can give you back the illusion, you realize that it was not what you expected either.
Your complexes are weighing you down and weighing you down more and more every day. You would almost dare to say that you don't like yourself inside or out. For you the ideal would be not to be you, to change and polish all that you see as "your defects"... Surely if you were asked how you are, your adjectives to describe you would be all black and sometimes, it seems that you can't even find the words that define you...
Exhausted of looking for thousands of options to see if they give you back your smile, give birth to your motivation or knock on the door of happiness so that it comes out in your search, you end up believing in a desperate way that no, this life is not for you. And you act accordingly, as if you had no right to enjoy and be happy.
This is how Anton, the protagonist of our story, finds himself. Tired, exhausted and overwhelmed by his "complexes" and "defects", he decides to take a drastic decision to put an end to his suffering and change his existence.
When we see ourselves as a bag of defectsAnton, the protagonist of our short film chooses, as we have already said, to disappear and put an end to his existence. In this way, his fears will not be able to come to light, he will not have to see his defects and he will not even realize what his limitations are...
Sometimes, even if we do not take the drastic solution of our protagonist, we decide to pretend to be blind to ourselves and go through life not paying attention to ourselves... "I don't like this, I don't look at it; I consider myself bad at this other thing, I ignore it..." and we almost ignore ourselves completely.
It can also happen that we do the opposite, that we are so aware of ourselves that we are only able to see our defects or what we do not excel in. The question is not to recognize ourselves... To accept that we only have the condition of being defective and to stay with it. A real sabotage to ourselves, in which we only consider ourselves as a bag of defects.
Happiness is an attitude that comes from withinWe buy things, we get hooked on illusions, we idealize our future and the people around us, we believe that when we achieve what we had proposed we will be happy, but the long-awaited happiness never comes... Why?
Happiness is an attitude that is cultivated from within.
Happiness does not come with what we buy ourselves, the goals we have achieved or by finding ourselves next to someone we love. We can have all that and not have an ounce of happiness... Happiness is an attitude and as an attitude, we can all learn it, but always cultivating it from within.
I know people who are not so beautiful, not so successful, not so rich, not so perfect, but they are really happy. Happy people are not content with having and getting but with being, appreciating and being grateful for everything this life gives us. You can see it in their eyes... They have decided to be happy, cultivating their attitude of accepting and loving themselves.
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Every defect can have its small part of virtueHappy people are not happy because they have no defects but because they have discovered the greatness that lies in each of them. They have stopped comparing themselves with others because they have understood that comparing themselves is useless, since each one of us has lived through certain circumstances, has a way of being and relates to others in a specific way.
You may be taller, I may be shorter, he may be shyer, she may be wiser. The point is that our "defects" do not make us better or worse people, they make us who we are. Every flaw has a small part of virtue hidden in it, it's just a matter of discovering it.
Besides, maybe talking is not your forte, but you express yourself by writing beautifully, or maybe you find it hard to do handicrafts, but you are great at sports... Have you started to discover what your potential is? Anton seems to have discovered his by surprise at the end of the story?
Believe me, we never stop discovering ourselves. We have many secrets kept inside us that we almost don't even know exist and live in us, but one day they appear or you find them yourself. The fundamental condition is that we begin to love ourselves.
Remember: there is no one like you, it's impossible... So discover yourself, take care of yourself and love yourself, you will surely never be the same again.
If we change our attitude, stop comparing ourselves, start loving ourselves and try to see the learning from every circumstance that happens to us, tiredness and reluctance will leave our side. Don't be like Anton and wait until it's too late, because there is nothing more beautiful than to start to cultivate ourselves inside and observe how the vision of everything around us changes...
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Why are we afraid of silence?
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п»ї<title>Why are we afraid of silence?</title>
You get in the car and turn on the radio. You get home and turn on the TV. You play music on your phone while you shower, sing or think. We are afraid of silence and we demonstrate it in a thousand ways. The emptiness suggested by the absence of noise torments us; and with this fear we miss important opportunities. Perhaps if we knew the value of silence, we would stop running away from it like an enemy.
When was the last time you were silent, when did you experience the complete absence of external and internal stimuli? For most people this is almost a utopia, a state impossible to reach and sustain. It is also, in their view, something dangerous and disturbing. But why does this happen to us, and what can we do about it?
We are afraid of silenceYou may or may not be aware of this widespread tendency in our society. You may even have detected this fear of silence in yourself, even if you don't quite know why. The reality is that we show signs of this phenomenon every day.
We surround ourselves with all kinds of technological devices that provide us with visual and auditory stimulation. And not only do we do it as a way of entertainment in our leisure time, but we resort to them in any daily activity. While cooking, cleaning or playing sports, external noise accompanies us.
The same is true when we spend time with colleagues, friends or family. Even if we pass a neighbor in the elevator, we would rather start a banal and condescending conversation than remain silent. Many times we don't have something to say, and yet we make the effort to fill those frightening voids with words.
But even when we are in apparent silence, with no outside noise to overwhelm our senses, we resort to our inner resources to flee. Has it ever happened to you that, as you go to sleep, in the stillness of the night, your mind seems to race, taking you from the past to the future in constant rumination? These are nothing more than mechanisms to avoid the silence of the present.
Why are we afraid of silence? Because we do not know ourselvesWe are afraid of silence because it implies getting in touch with ourselves. We flee from it because we flee from ourselves. It is a fear of being alone with a part of our being that we refuse to see, with the fears and wounds that we have been ignoring. We are terrified of hearing our own voice, an inner cry that we have buried for years under other people's voices and external noises.
We do not know ourselves because we have never been alone. We do not know ourselves and we are afraid to do so. When silence appears, it brings with it the sounds of our shadows, of those dark parts that we do not recognize as our own when they are. Where does that anxiety come from, that feeling of loneliness and emptiness, that contained anger that arises when we are silent? All of it is us, even if we have refused to see ourselves for decades.
Because we are not used to itHowever, it is not all our fault. We were born and live immersed in a society that does not teach us to connect or listen to each other, but rather occupies and distracts us constantly.
Self-knowledge, personal development, meditation... all these practices seem to be reserved for a minority who suffer and need to repair themselves, when in reality we should all practice them.
Silence is stigmatized and we are taught to see it as something negative, as a sign that the silent person is angry, offended, sad or absent. Silence evokes loneliness and emptiness, shyness and negative emotions, when this should not be the case.
Start practicing silencePracticing silence helps us connect with our fears, wounds and desires. It allows us to know ourselves, heal ourselves and come back to us. It offers us the opportunity to discover our longings and opinions, to regain our strength and our voice. When you know and accept yourself, when you learn to love and be with you, there is no other comparable place in the world.
Only you can fill your emptiness, heal your wounds and overcome your fears. Only you can work for your dreams and goals. So why are you afraid to be with you? Give yourself a chance, you'll discover how much you've been missing all this time.
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п»ї<title>Do you know the psychological benefits of LEGO?</title>
As incredible as it may seem, the psychological benefits of LEGO are much more interesting and varied than we can imagine. In fact, this simple construction set can even externalize our system of emotions and beliefs.
So at least Maria Teresa Mata, a well-known psychologist, believes that this free construction process has very positive effects. First, it provides a great capacity to develop emotional intelligence. In addition, it is ideal for business coaching and psychotherapy. Shall we see how?
Psychological benefits of LEGOLEGO is still a commercial brand. However, this type of construction sets are very common in toy stores. Hence, it is a very accessible tool for companies and psychologists, who find excellent benefits.
"First law of the ocean: never put your butt on a pirate's face."
-The LEGO Movie
LEGO as a working toolAn important point of the psychological benefits of LEGO is its use as a working tool in the world of business coaching. As it is a dynamic based on the representation of ideas, the free construction proves to be very efficient, since it generates a great deal of information.
Moreover, the LEGO Serious Play Method has even been patented, which is being revolutionary, as it offers great benefits in conflict resolution since it provides a great amount of information.
It is also being used as an element of coaching or emotional intelligence training. As an externalizing technique, it promotes creativity and unleashes imagination, expression, the ability to achieve goals and even the projection of challenges. It even promotes empathy!
To start building is to connect on another levelAccording to Mata, LEGO constructions establish connections on new levels. By starting to put pieces together, creativity and imagination, along with manual labor, set in motion mental processes that allow the observer to reach a deeper understanding of the individual.
Thus, thanks to construction, new communicative levels are reached. In fact, it is achieved with oneself, but also with others. Why? Because by transferring the technique to a work team, family, etc., a lot of information becomes visible.
The construction games allow each individual to offer a small sample of how he or she perceives the world. Thus, different types of points of view are brought to light, achieving a greater promotion of dialogue and empathy.
Emergence of new messagesAccording to Mata, the messages received when this technique is used are fresh. They are reached through association of ideas and creativity, which implies that they possess great ingenuity, even wisdom, something that cannot be observed a priori with other methods.
Among the psychological benefits of LEGO is an enormous amount of information that otherwise goes unnoticed. But thanks to these messages, new solutions can be found, as it promotes emotional intelligence training.
Breaking down unconscious barriers
Another benefit of building games is the breaking down of unconscious barriers. Those shields that surface almost unintentionally in any social interaction slowly disappear and fall away through the LEGO pieces. A greater connection with one's own knowledge, and also with that of others, is achieved.
It also increases problem-solving skills. Sometimes, we feel unable to solve problems because we do not find the necessary information within ourselves.
According to Mata, thanks to LEGO construction, it is possible to find that information, expose it, order it and validate it. Thus, the framework for skills training is expanded.
Expression of the abstractIn relation to emotional intelligence, construction offers an excellent field for expressing the abstract and synthesizing the complex. Thus, processes are simplified, while at the same time fantastic information is obtained to improve the efficiency of actions.
By training emotional intelligence with a free construction, it connects with an implicit knowledge that has been settled during the individual's life journey. In this way, by complementing creative scenarios, the user builds, observes and projects, takes distance from his creation, finding information to solve conflicts, for example.
"What idea do YOU have, that can surpass the ideas of 100 of our fallen master builder brothers?"
-The LEGO Movie
Did you imagine the amount of psychological benefits of LEGO for the human being? There is no doubt that, if used wisely, this game can be a real breakthrough in getting to know ourselves a little better.
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